Birthmarks are abnormal pigmentations in the skin cells. Vascular birthmarks are generally the result of blood vessels that form abnormally or very near the surface. Exactly as the name indicates, these marks are present from birth or very shortly after. But what causes them? Scientists haven’t quite figured that out.
Some birthmarks are actually hereditary, passing down from family members to appear similarly on the next generation. In lieu of a concrete reason, many cultures and countercultures develop their own reasons for birthmarks. Folklore suggests the mother may be responsible for baby’s birthmarks -- because she looked at a crescent moon, ate red meat, experienced strong emotions, or had unfulfilled desires, among other things. Other ideas about birthmarks suggest they are there as an omen of what’s to come -- what paths your life may take or how your personality may develop (for example, birthmarks on the ears suggest you’ll have good luck). Some circles hold quite firmly with the idea that past lives are responsible for the development of birthmarks. Traumatic injuries, such as burns, fatal cuts, bullet holes, and all manner of other wounds are said to follow you after reincarnation, a daily reminder of what might have happened to another you.
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