an image of an eye, representing the costs of LASIK eye surgery

The Price of LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK is a popular and effective eye surgery that treats several common conditions, including farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism. While many see it as one of the best ways to permanently correct these vision problems, it can be prohibitively expensive for some. Here is a small overview of the costs associated with LASIK surgery—including average expenses, insurance options, and monthly payment plans.

Average Cost

The advertised price for LASIK spans a wide range of varying affordability. On the lower end you have doctors (often of questionable competence) offering the procedure for as low as $300, and on the upper end the price can run as high as $5000. However, most specialists will charge somewhere in the range of $1000 to $2000. Keep in mind though that this advertised price is typically only for one eye—which means that in reality you’ll be paying double what you see on the price tag.

Some factors that may affect the actual price of your procedure include things like your location and the notoriety of the doctor performing the surgery.

Insurance Options

There are very few insurance companies out there that will completely or sometimes even partially cover the costs of LASIK surgery, because it is technically considered an elective cosmetic procedure. However, there are some big-name providers that may provide you some help with your expenses. These include VSP, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Davis Vision.

Additionally, certain careers may qualify you for insurance coverage. Military service members in the military often qualify for this coverage since other options, like glasses or contacts, may distract them from their duties. Some people working the entertainment industry have also successfully convinced their insurance companies to cover their procedure as a work expense. However, there is no guarantee that this line of logic will work for everyone.

Payment Plans

Many LASIK specialists will offer payment plans for patients who cannot afford to pay for the procedure in one lump sum. However, these will vary from practice to practice, and there’s no guarantee that any particular provider will offer any such deals. While payment plans like these may be convenient, most charge interest, which means that you’ll end up paying more with this method—although you may find that your surgeon provides you with a certain interest-free grace period.

Even if you find a specialist who doesn’t explicitly mention a payment plan on his or her website or other advertisements, it never hurts to ask.

Last Updated: September 06, 2016