a woman getting her stretch marks vacuumed off her belly

Stretch Mark Remedies

Stretch marks are a huge nuisance that can lead to embarrassment. For some people, stretch marks appear after a large amount of weight is gained or lost, pregnancy, or period of rapid growth or development. Other people, however, experience stretch marks without having any of the above scenarios occur. Regardless of how the unsightly stretch marks came to be, most people are looking for a way to get rid of them.

There are two schools of thought when it comes to choosing a stretch mark remedy: You can either take the natural route or the conventional beauty treatment route. There is no right or wrong; it comes down to choosing which remedy you are most comfortable with and that brings you the greatest results.

Natural Remedies

The main benefit of using a natural stretch mark remedy is that it will boost your skin's health in the process. Moisturized and cared for skin will always look better, with or without stretch marks. Natural remedies should generally be applied regularly and often, but it is best to consult with your doctor before using a natural remedy.

Stretch marks are generally treated in a topical manner. It may not be possible to get rid of them completely, but it is possible to improve their appearance. One of the most popular natural remedies is the use of cocoa butter on the skin. Although cocoa butter is an ingredient in many conventional creams and lotions, using pure cocoa butter is better for your skin because it's free of the chemicals and additives found in some lotions.

Another simply natural stretch mark remedy is coconut oil. While it's solid at room temperature, coconut oil will quickly melt upon contact with your skin. Choosing organic, unrefined coconut oil will improve your skin's texture, appearance, and tone.

Cosmetic Remedies

Some people with stretch marks choose to use less holistic methods to rid themselves of their stretch marks. Dermabrasion and laser treatments have been used as stretch mark remedies for years. While they may be effective, these treatments come with risks, costs, and concerns. When undergoing an elective cosmetic procedure, you always run the risk of coming out with a result that is even worse than the initial condition.

Last Updated: July 24, 2015