Losing Cigarettes Without Gaining Weight

There are many reasons to quit smoking: yellowed fingers and teeth, wrinkled skin, and potentially life-threatening health risks. But many people who smoke tend to believe that once they kick this unhealthy habit, they will automatically begin to pack on the pounds. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case.

Smoking and Weight

Smoking ignites the metabolism. In general, people who smoke as much as a pack a day burn 250 calories more than people who don't smoke. When someone makes the decision to give up their nicotine addiction, it's not unusual to see up to two pounds of weight gain in the first few weeks. Some people assume this means they will continue to gain rapid amounts of weight, and they begin smoking again to prevent that. However, if you stick with the decision to give up smoking, your metabolism will even out. The weight gain usually doesn't exceed more than five pounds.

Healthy Snacking

A lot of people tend to take up new habits to replace the old when quitting smoking. The most common habit a former smoker will develop is to snack, usually on sweet foods. A great way to avoid unnecessary calories is to keep a bag of sugar-free suckers or hard candies nearby. Sugarless gum and pre-cut snacks like carrot and celery sticks can also help pacify the habitual need to hold something in your hands or place something in your mouth.

Active Lifestyles

Staying busy is another excellent solution to avoiding weight gain while quitting smoking. Weight can be kept down by going on walks or bike rides. Participating in a new yoga class, taking up tennis with friends or family, and other activities that keep the body in motion will be of great benefit not only to overall health, but in keeping food cravings to a minimum.

Coping with Cravings

The most important thing to remember when quitting smoking is to be prepared for both nicotine and food cravings. Making plans to be more active as well as going through the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets to stock up on healthier food items will help ensure that smoke-free success is easier to attain while also keeping the weight off. Having a support system in place, especially others who have already kicked a smoking habit, will play a big role in staying on the path to healthier living.

Last Updated: May 25, 2016