words typed by a person who underwent a lap band surgery

Lap Band: 5 Lifestyle Changes to Expect

Lap band surgery is not a magical cure for obesity, and many people are disappointed to learn that achieving and maintaining weight loss requires hard work and dedication, even with the procedure. You should expect to make some significant lifestyle changes during your transition back to “normal” life after surgery, and not all of these will be enjoyable. However, they are necessary if you want to see real and lasting results.

  1. Dietary Changes

    Many people think that since the lap band will keep them from overeating, they can chow down on whatever they want. However, this isn’t the case. Since your intake will be so restricted, you will need to ensure you’re eating a perfectly balanced diet in order to avoid malnutrition. In addition, some foods are incompatible with the lap band—foods like starchy carbohydrates, high-sugar foods, and carbonated beverages.

  2. Meal Time Changes

    Planning your meal times will become very important after lap band surgery in order to avoid unpleasant side effects like nausea and vomiting. You will need to eat breakfast within an hour and a half of waking up, and should eat two other meals throughout the day, at least 5 hours apart. You should plan for your meals to last at least 30 minutes, and you should only plan on snacks in between them if you are diabetic.

  3. Exercise Changes

    While maintaining a proper diet will take up the bulk of your effort after lap band surgery, regular exercise will also have to become a part of your daily life if you want your weight loss to be long-term. Most doctors will recommend 30 minutes of physical activity each day for their lap band patients.

  4. Emotional Changes

    Many people experience a wide range of emotions after their lap band surgery. These include initial feelings of excitement as they begin their weight loss journeys, as well as feelings of depression or anxiety as they realize the effort such an undertaking requires. If you are already prone to emotional instability, it may be best to schedule regular appointments with a therapist who can help you work through these changes.

  5. Social Changes

    Our friends and family play a large role in shaping our behavior, and you may find that some people in your life are better influences than others. If your social circle consists of people who disparage your efforts or tempt you to go off-diet, you may need to find a new system of support. It can be emotionally traumatizing to cut people out of your life, but you’ll find that in the long run, this is usually for the best.

Last Updated: July 24, 2014