An injured knee

How Much Does a Total Knee Replacement Cost?

A total knee replacement involves replacing your entire knee with an artificial joint. The procedure is for people who no longer have proper function in the joint due to arthritis or a severe knee injury. Here is a look at how much a knee replacement can cost you.

With Insurance

Usually, total knee replacement surgery is covered by health insurance. If the surgery is necessary and not experimental, then it will most likely be covered. Medicare also covers knee replacement surgery. Out-of-pocket expenses can be anywhere between hundreds to several thousand dollars. Your exact cost will depend on your insurance deductibles and co-pay or coinsurance. 

Without Insurance

If you do not have insurance, total knee replacement can cost $35,000 or more. Some medical facilities do, however, offer discounts. Check with your doctor and medical office to see if they offer a discount.

What’s Included in the Cost

  • Consultation: Your orthopedic surgeon will evaluate the strength and range of motion in the affected knee before the procedure.
  • Surgery: The operation will require general or epidural anesthesia. During the procedure damaged bone and cartilage is removed from the knee joint before a new joint surfaces of plastic and metal is inserted.
  • Recovery: You will spend several days in the hospital following surgery.

Additional Costs

For a safe, ideal recovery, you may  need to make some alterations to your home. For example grab bars in the bath, a shower chair, a toilet seat riser with arms, and a first floor bedroom—because you’ll want to avoid stairs—are some changes you should consider making to your home.

Last Updated: July 01, 2016

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