Home Remedies for Acne

Acne is a common skin ailment that occurs on the face, chest, upper arms, back, and shoulders. While it can affect people of any age group, it can be most prevalent in young adults and teens.

Stress, a poor diet, sleep deprivation, heredity, and lack of hygiene can all be contributing factors. While there is no surefire cure, you’ll find that certain remedies kept in your home can prevent or minimize your acne problems.

Baking Soda

While prescription medications can prove helpful in relieving acne symptoms, you may find they pose serious side effects. You’ll find that gentler solutions such as baking soda help unclog pores and gently exfoliate your skin naturally. Baking soda also has anti-inflammatory properties to help control the pH balance of your skin. By simply mixing together a couple of tablespoons of baking soda and a few droplets of water, you can form a paste. Allow the mixture to sit on your skin at least five minutes before you wash it off. You can expect a noticeable improvement if you repeat this process at least once or twice a week.


Excess oil can clog pores and form pimples. Once the skin has become red and irritated, it can take a while for the blemishes to clear up and go away. To aid in the process and clear up your skin, a common breakfast treat can clean your pores and absorb any leftover oils your skin may produce. Simply combine a cup of cooked oatmeal with a teaspoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon. You can then rub the mixture on your blemishes and leave it on for at least 30 minutes. Once the mixture has set, you can rinse it off with lukewarm water.


Toothpaste isn’t only used for fresh breath and cleaning your teeth. The active properties in this product can help dry out blemishes and reduce swelling. Simply apply a dot or two to the affected area before turning in for the night. You can expect improvements in a day or two.

Lemon Juice

Lemons are an acidic fruit that can be extremely helpful in combating acne. Because lemon juice is a harmless natural cleanser that can clean out the dirt that has built up in your pores, you can make lemons a part of your daily hygiene routine to brighten up your skin. If your skin becomes too dry, you may want to cut back to applying lemon juice every other day or add rose water to dilute the harshness.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a popular acne remedy that can be found at your local health or drug store. It disinfects your pores and kills the harmful bacteria that cause breakouts. One or two drops of tea tree oil applied to an irritated patch of skin will help reduce redness and dry up the blemish. However, if tea tree oil causes skin irritations or flakiness, you can cut back your usage to once or twice a week.

Last Updated: February 07, 2017