birthmark meaning

Does Your Birthmark Have a Medical Meaning?

From a scientific perspective, birthmarks are little more than an abnormality of skin pigmentation or blood vessels near the surface. However, there are some cases where you might want to be concerned. Here’s a look at what your birthmark might mean.

If you ask your doctor, she’s probably going to tell you your birthmark means virtually nothing -- except in some special instances. A congenital nevus, for example, is a dark brown spot similar to a mole, except that it tends to vary widely in size and shape. Found most commonly on the front or back of the abdomen or the scalp, congenital nevi suggest a higher than average likelihood to develop skin cancers as an adult. 

Cafe au lait birthmarks are colored like their coffee-and-cream name. While mostly harmless, if you have several (more than six), you might need to talk to your doctor about checking for disorders such as neurofibromatosis. Some vascular birthmarks are actually small tumors, and should be examined on a case by case basis for potential risks. Port wine stains in particular are large vascular birthmarks found most frequently on the face and can occur with Klippel-Trenaunay or Sturge-Weber syndromes. While certain characteristics of other birthmarks may make them troublesome, that’s about the extent of their meaning from a medical perspective.

Last Updated: December 07, 2016

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