Nicotine is the addictive substance in tobacco that makes it very difficult for smokers to kick their habit. If you smoke, nicotine replacement therapies could help you focus on breaking the habit, rather than worrying about nicotine withdrawal. The unpleasant symptoms of nicotine withdrawal can include restlessness, anger, irritability, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. Many smokers find these feelings overwhelming when they take the first steps toward a smoke-free lifestyle. Nicotine replacement therapies such as patches, gums, and sprays are designed to reduce the severity of these symptoms and help smokers overcome their addictions.
Nicotine Replacement Therapies
Nicotine replacement therapies administer a controlled amount of nicotine designed to minimize cravings and improve a person’s chances of successfully quitting smoking. Nicotine replacement therapies are available in many forms. The most common forms of therapy include patches, gums, and sprays. While most options can be found over-the-counter, many inhalers and sprays require a physician’s prescription.
For many years, the nicotine patch has been used by people who wish to stop smoking. These transdermal patches adhere to the skin to deliver nicotine. Each morning, the person applies a patch to his skin, and within minutes, low doses of nicotine are transported to the brain. This helps to relieve cravings for the substance. Patches generally deliver nicotine over the period of a day.
During the first few weeks of patch use, smokers usually begin with the highest doses of nicotine. After this initial period, the smoker begins to use a mid-level dosage or lower dosage for about two weeks. Finally, the lowest dosage is administered for the last two weeks. Many people are able to successfully complete a 10-week plan and discontinue patch use and start a nicotine-free life.
Medicated gum is one of the most popular forms of nicotine replacement therapy. The methodology is different from the transdermal patch therapy. Instead of having nicotine delivered continuously throughout the day, users chew the gum when withdrawal symptoms occur. Discomfort usually lessens within several minutes. Many smokers find this technique beneficial, while others do not like the taste of the medicated gum.
Sprays that contain nicotine also enable people to avoid the effects of nicotine withdrawal. People trying to quit smoking can use nicotine sprays orally or nasally when negative symptoms occur. Sprays allow you to gradually lower the level of nicotine in your body, so the withdrawal symptoms are usually less severe.
To improve people's chances of stopping smoking, they are often advised to try a multi-disciplinary approach. Although nicotine replacement therapy can be successful in relieving nicotine cravings, many people still have difficulty overcoming smoking. Some tobacco users seek help from friends, family members, psychologists and hypnotherapists for assistance. It's absolutely critical that you do not smoke while wearing a nicotine patch or using nicotine sprays, as this can result in nicotine overdose with severe consequences. It is advisable to consult with your doctor to determine which nicotine replacement therapy option is best for you.