a woman using mouthwash

5 Reasons to Use Mouthwash

While most dental professionals concede that mouthwash is not as essential as brushing or flossing, there are still lots of reasons why you might want to include it in your oral hygiene routine. Here is a look at just a few of the many ways that mouthwash improves your smile.

  1. Mouthwash goes where a toothbrush can’t reach.

    While a toothbrush is important to the dental hygiene process, there are simply some areas of your mouth that toothbrushes can’t reach, and it’s these places where mouthwash saves the day. Your toothbrush isn’t a great tool for cleaning underneath your gum line, but thankfully mouthwash can work its way into this tricky spot where tooth decay-causing bacteria like to gather.

  2. Mouthwash protects your teeth and your gums.

    While a toothbrush primarily focuses on keeping your teeth healthy, mouthwash can protect them and your gums as well. Gingivitis is a common disease that leaves your gums inflamed and tender, and in extreme cases it can lead to periodontal disease—which is a severe condition that causes receding gums, excess bleeding, and even loss of teeth. While mouthwash cannot cure preexisting periodontal disease, it can prevent it from developing. Use it daily to avoid receding gums and all the other terrible symptoms of this disease.

  3. Mouthwash keeps your breath smelling fresh.

    It’s estimated that about 30 to 40% of all Americans struggle with halitosis, or chronic bad breath. While this condition isn’t life-threatening, it can be embarrassing and impede your social interactions. Thankfully, mouthwash targets one of the primary causes of halitosis—bacteria in your mouth. These same bacteria that eat away at your enamel and cause tooth decay are also responsible for leaving your breath less-than-fresh. However, when choosing a mouthwash make sure to choose one that does more than treat your halitosis. You’ll need an antibacterial variety to ensure that bad breath stays gone.

  4. Mouthwash can protect against tooth decay.

    Most mouthwashes have added fluoride, which makes them the perfect way to keep your teeth free from tooth decay. The bacteria in your mouth release a form of acid that wears away at the enamel of your teeth. While this process is unavoidable to some extent, if left unchecked it can lead to a cavity outbreak. Fluoride protects against this tooth decay by strengthening your enamel and, in some cases, reversing the damage done by the acid. Fluoridated mouthwash will ensure your teeth stay white and healthy.

  5. Mouthwash can whiten your teeth.

    While you normally think of brushing as the best way to keep your teeth bright, mouthwash can actually benefit you in this area as well. Plaque, the sticky deposits on your teeth where tooth decay-causing bacteria thrive, is a brown, yellowish color that leaves your teeth looking dark. When you use a plaque-fighting mouthwash it can get rid of severe buildups. Additionally, there are several mouthwash varieties available that have other ingredients specifically included for their teeth whitening properties.

Last Updated: May 02, 2016