Fruit safe for diabetes

5 Best Fruits for a Type 2 Diabetes Diet

Type 2 diabetes is an extremely frustrating disease for sugar lovers. No matter which method you use to control your carbohydrate intake, the result is the same: a serious lack of desserts. One of the most important aspects of a diabetic diet is creating balanced meals.

They should be low in calories, saturated fats, and most sugars, high in complex carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fats, and monounsaturated fats, and a smorgasbord of all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy. Fruits are a great source for a variety of nutrients and are a wonderful way to satisfy a sweet tooth the healthy way. 


Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries are wonderful for a diabetic diet. They’re relatively low in carbohydrates but packed with antioxidants, which are substances like vitamin C, that the body uses to prevent damage to cells. One cup of blueberries has 14% of your daily fiber, 24% of the necessary vitamin C, plus magnesium, vitamins A and B-6, and only 85 calories. 

Citrus Fruits

Any kind of citrus fruit (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and the like) has tons of vitamin C. This is an especially important vitamin for a diabetic diet. Diabetes is considered an immune disorder, which means it’s important to keep the rest of the immune system in tip top condition to help keep you from getting sick. One small orange has 75% of your daily vitamin C, only 45 calories, as well as vitamins A and B-6, calcium, magnesium, and plenty of fiber. 

Tart Cherries

New research has shown all kinds of wonderful benefits from cherries, especially the tart ones. They’re chock full of anti-inflammatories that most foods don’t have, and their antioxidant properties may fight chronic disorders like cancer and heart disease. All the other goodies are there as well: fiber, magnesium, vitamin A, plus some vitamins C and B-6. An unpitted cup has about 85 calories. They come frozen, fresh, and dried, but be careful—dried fruits have significantly more sugar in them than fresh ones. 


Their furry, brown exterior is deceptive; inside, kiwi have a delicious green fruit that’s like no other on the market. They also have some of the lowest levels of carbohydrates: one kiwi only has six grams of sugar, not to mention over 100% of your daily vitamin C. You can cut off the skin and eat them in slices, or use a spoon to eat them right out of their fur. 


No, it’s not a trick. They may not be as sweet as most fruits, but they are, nonetheless, a fruit by definition. And they are great for you, no matter how you eat them—be it soup, sauce, or right off the vine. A medium tomato has 22 calories and a whole host of nutrients, including vitamins A and C, potassium, iron, magnesium, fiber, protein, and calcium. 

Last Updated: April 18, 2018