diet is one of the alternatives to bariatric surgery

5 Alternatives to Bariatric Surgery

There’s no denying that bariatric surgery can be an incredibly effective method for losing weight, but it’s an approach that is costly, risky, and painful. Because of that, it shouldn’t be anyone’s first choice. If you’re currently considering bariatric surgery, take a moment to look at some of these equally effective alternatives for getting healthy.

  1. Diet and Exercise

    Anyone thinking about bariatric surgery should always attempt weight loss via diet and exercise first. It’s less expensive, invasive, and risky than any medical procedure and is 100% effective at helping people achieve a healthy weight. While some nutritional considerations must be addressed, this method basically requires you only to burn more calories than you take in. This can be achieved by eating less and moving more. Most doctors will not even consider surgery if a potential patient has not already tried losing weight with this method.

  2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    Many people who are severely overweight struggle with food in ways deeper than just eating too many calories. There are often underlying emotional issues that spur overeating, and bariatric surgery can do nothing to address these problems. It’s quite possible to turn back to your old eating habits after the procedure if you don't address your problematic relationship with food first. Cognitive behavioral therapy offers a way to become aware of and change these unhealthy thought patterns that may be able to help spur on weight loss.

  3. Support Groups

    Organizations like Overeaters Anonymous or even just a group of friends committed to getting healthy can provide you with the motivation and support you need to lose weight all on your own. Keep in mind that in groups like these you get what you give, so be prepared to offer your own support for others in exchange for them keeping you accountable.

  4. Lifestyle Changes

    The average American is largely sedentary throughout the day, but getting more physical activity doesn’t have to mean scheduling large chunks of time for workouts—there are lots of ways to sneak it into your life on a smaller scale. Things like choosing the stairs instead of the elevator or parking further back in the grocery store parking lot can add up quickly if you’re consistent about them.

  5. Eliminate Temptation

    Weight loss is nearly impossible if your environment is constantly tempting you to eat poorly. Get rid of all the unhealthy foods in your home and replace them with healthier alternatives. If the bad food isn’t quickly and easily available to you, there’s a better chance you can successfully resist its allure.

Last Updated: February 15, 2017