If you’re tired of feeling like the only one on the beach that doesn’t look like David Hasselhoff, strength training alone isn’t going to give you the muscle definition you crave. Creating the right bodybuilding diet will do a lot more for your body than weight lifting by itself. Try these four tips to create your ideal nutrition plan to get those muscles maximized!
Know what you need.
Proteins and carbohydrates are going to be your best friends—both of them will give you the energy you need to stay motivated during a workout. Plus, the protein will help form those bulging muscles you’re seeking. But remember, one shouldn’t live on steak and potatoes alone. Instead, find healthy alternative sources to get your carbohydrates (like fresh vegetables, oatmeal, or brown rice).
Additionally, drink plenty of water, and don’t forget that your body needs vitamins and nutrients found in other foods to perform optimally. If you feel like you need supplements, make sure to do your research. Some of them aren’t worth the money, and some of them can be downright dangerous.
Personalize your diet.
Every body is different. Just because something works for your friend doesn’t mean it’s going to work for you. While the standard breakfast, lunch, and dinner method may be perfect for one person, some people need to eat smaller meals more frequently. This method gives your body a chance to digest smaller amounts throughout the day, instead of larger quantities three times a day.
Remember—a diet is a lifestyle change, so make sure it fits yours. And pay attention to what your body craves; it knows what it needs, even if your mind is unsure.
Be consistent.
Once you’ve figured out what’s going to work for you, take some time to plan it out. You might want to plan every day or maybe just week by week, but regardless, having instructions laid out makes it easier to stay on track. Just remember not to get too stuck in your routine—give yourself a break every once in a while, or you may find yourself leaping off the wagon. Having an occasional cheat day isn’t going to ruin a month of diligent dieting, nor is allowing a few bites of something that has little nutritional value.
Eat foods you like.
Lots of people think diets are rigid and restricting, but they don’t have to be! Find foods you like instead of foods you feel like you have to eat. Sure, beef is high in protein, but if you hate it, there’s no reason it has to be your main source. Substitute other high protein foods instead, like salmon, legumes, or even Greek yogurt. If you like what you’re eating, it’s going to be a lot easier to stick with your diet.