a woman interested in fitness after 50

5 Tips for Fitness after 50

Lots of people feel like their lives are basically over when they hit 50. However, the only thing holding you back from having twilight years that are rich and rewarding is yourself! If you’ve recently traveled “over the hill,” don’t use that as an excuse let yourself go. Take control of your life and make it the best it’s ever been. These five tips for staying fit after 50 will help you achieve your full potential.

  1. Cut back on salt.

    As you age, your blood vessels become more rigid, and you’re more prone to developing hypertension. This increases your risk of numerous heart-related conditions, such as heart attack and stroke. Salt will only make your blood pressure problems worse, so consider substituting it for other flavor enhancers; fresh herbs are great substitutes.

  2. Increase your calcium intake.

    People over the age of 50, especially women, are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Ensuring that you’re getting enough calcium will not completely cure this problem, but it will improve your current situation. Milk is probably the most common calcium source, but other edibles such as spinach, yogurt, and even sardines are also high in this essential mineral.

  3. Stay active.

    Getting older doesn’t mean you have to give up your active lifestyle. While you may need to decrease its frequency and intensity, physical activity should still be an important focus. Even something as simple as a brisk, 30-minute walk five days a week can lower your blood pressure and help stave off osteoporosis. If you weren’t very active before you turned 50, now’s the time to start!

  4. Don’t skip breakfast.

    Studies have shown that almost 50% of older people have a folic acid deficiency, which is a result of skipping breakfast. Many popular breakfast items like cereal and juice are fortified with this essential nutrient, and by passing them over you’re missing out on folic acid’s ability to lower your risk for heart disease.

  5. Find what you’re passionate about.

    While physical health is often the focus of getting “fit”, mental health is just as important! Once you hit 50, retirement is just around the corner, and many people can find themselves bored and depressed with all their new free time. Getting older doesn’t mean you have to just sit around the house—find meaning in your life that can fill the space your former job left. This could be something as simple as picking up a new novel from the library every week to a full-blown hobby like gardening.

Last Updated: July 11, 2016