a woman requiring CPR

5 Reasons You Should Know How to Perform CPR

CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is something every person should learn to administer. Accidents and illnesses can happen anywhere and without any warning. Below are five reasons you need to know CPR.

  1. Many serious accidents and illnesses occur in the home.

    It's estimated that up to 88% of cardiac arrests will happen in an individual's home. Whether you live in an isolated rural area or in a high rise apartment in a congested city, it can sometimes take longer than expected for emergency personnel to arrive. From a statistical standpoint, the life you save when giving a person CPR is likely to be a loved one.

  2. CPR is easy to learn.

    Contrary to what many people believe, a person doesn't have to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to conduct CPR. Hands-only CPR can be performed, and this method is relatively easy to learn. Since 2008, the American Heart Association has been recommending hands-only CPR. According to the American Red Cross, it only takes a few hours to learn CPR.

  3. Infants sometimes need CPR.

    While adults generally need CPR due to cardiac arrest or a heart attack, infants more often need it because of respiratory problems that can lead to cardiac arrest. Choking, suffocation, and other breathing problems can happen more easily to babies.

  4. Many situations call for CPR.

    CPR is often needed for situations other than cardiac arrest. Strokes, prescription drug overdoses, allergic reactions, and choking are but a few cases in which knowing CPR could save a person's life.

  5. It's effective.

    Even a few seconds can make a big difference after an accident or a cardiac arrest has occurred. CPR performed effectively can mean the difference between life and death.

Last Updated: November 10, 2016