The Senses

I Smell Everything!

Often women will report heightened senses of taste and smell when pregnant. These heightened senses often help a woman avoid toxic foods and substances in order to protect her baby.

Basics About Heightened Senses During Pregnancy

There are various reasons that these heightened senses may occur. The change in hormones is seen to be the cause of these increased senses. It is possible that these heightened senses benefit the developing baby. These heightened senses are often seen as being the culprits of morning sickness, which have led some scientists to believe means the woman's body is cleansing itself of foods that are toxic to the infant. According to Discovery Health,, pregnant women are more sensitive to the tastes of various foods and beverages, such as coffee, alcohol and certain vegetables.

Food Cravings During Pregnancy

The foods that pregnant women are more likely to eat can reveal a great deal about the effect that heightened senses have on their overall health and the health of the child. For instance, many women report cravings for salty foods during pregnancy. Salt seems to be one of the foods these women are less sensitive to than others. The reason for this is not known exactly, but it is possible that the salt cravings exist to provide balance to the excess fluid in the pregnant woman's body.

It may also be the case that when the woman eats excess salt, she will feel thirsty as a result and drink more water, which is beneficial to her system and to her developing baby. Then there are still those scientists, according to, who believe the cravings are psychological, indicating that if women are expecting to have strange food cravings because they have been taught to believe that is what happens, that is what they will experience.

Food Aversions During Pregnancy

Many women also report not feeling like eating the foods they used to love before pregnancy. This could be due to the body protecting the baby from foods that might not be very good for it. Some of the vegetables that have a bitter or pungent taste to them might cause a woman to become nauseated. These include broccoli, cabbage, garlic, and plants from the mustard family.

What to Do About Food Cravings and Heightened Senses

In general, indulging in food cravings is okay, as long as the basic diet is healthy and nutritionally sound. It might be a good idea to have someone else cook for you while you are pregnant so that you do not become ill from the cooking vapors. It is also wise to avoid scents that bother you and to keep your surroundings well ventilated so that you do not become nauseated from unpleasant odors.

What to Watch Out For

Some women have cravings for strange substances during pregnancy, including ice, dirt, paper, or clay, especially to battle against morning sickness, which often indicates an iron deficiency. Women need extra iron during pregnancy, and if they are not getting it, they may develop this condition, known as pica. This condition needs to be treated so that you do not consume anything that is harmful to your body or to your baby. If you are experiencing cravings for anything that is not food, inform your doctor.

Last Updated: August 05, 2014