Easy Meals

Easy Meals For Mom

An expecting mother is "eating for two," as the old saying goes, and it is hardly different after birth, especially if the mother is breastfeeding. However, depending upon your diet before pregnancy, the adage might be a bit misleading. One study showed that 65% of infants born to mothers with a poor diet were in the poorest of conditions at birth.

Attention to your diet should continue beyond birth in order to recover from pregnancy and maintain energy and health for the demands of motherhood. This goes beyond calorie counting and fad diets; certain foods will actually improve qualities of pregnancy and postpartum life so much that they can be dubbed "Mother Foods." Here is a list of our favorites and some easy snacks and meals you can make with them:

Nut Butters

Nuts and seeds are high in the fats that you and your baby need, so eat up! This mother food can be spread some on a whole grain bagel, hearty cracker or slice of toast, plain or with some fruit or honey and cinnamon for the feel of a "treat." For an extra special snack, mix up your favorite sugar-free nut butter with some evaporated or dried milk, honey, cinnamon, raisins and chocolate chips, then roll into balls and dip in coconut flakes. Refrigerate to set up and enjoy a quick, energy boosting sweet treat that will nourish the whole family.

Beans & Legumes

Often, pregnancy-induced anemia occurs when the mother's blood volume expands to accommodate the growing little one. This can extend into postpartum weeks and months, as well, since so many mothers have difficulty taking time to feed themselves. Beans and legumes are high in iron and can be used in a variety of ways, making this one mother food to stock up on.

For an easy salad topping or pita filling, mix a couple cups of your favorite bean with some onions and tomatoes and top with your favorite salad dressing. The beans and veggies have a lot of flavor, so keep it simple- olive oil, lemon juice and herbs is plenty. Store in the fridge for up to a week or two for a quick lunch or snack.

A smoother option is to mix up a bean dip from any number of beans. Puree with your favorite tex-mex seasonings, like cumin and garlic, and store in the fridge to be eaten with tortillas, chips, pita and even veggies. Need something different? Try using garbanzo beans to make a savory hummus instead of the standard bean dip.


Loaded with calcium, iron, and vitamins, greens are still sometimes neglected in a mother's diet. However, they aren't limited to elaborate meals or big, messy salads. The easiest way to eat greens takes nothing more than a good blender and a large glass. Adding a handful or two of greens- kale and spinach are good to start with- to your fruit smoothies gives you an undetected addition of vitamins and minerals. Smoothies make a great breakfast, snack, or meal on the go.

Eggs & Flax

Eggs are some of the easiest mother foods to prepare and are loaded with omega-3s that your growing baby needs and your recovering body craves. A breakfast scramble loaded with veggies and some lean meats or "nutritional yeast" B-12 supplement will start your day on a solid foundation. Most vegetables can be cut the night before, so all you have to do is dump them in a skillet and cook until done. Mid-day snacks are made simple when you hard boil a batch of eggs at the beginning of the week and store them sealed in the fridge. Egg salads, sliced eggs on salads and sandwiches, deviled eggs and simply plain hard boiled eggs are easy to grab and will ground your diet throughout the day.

Last Updated: February 05, 2016