a parent who knows how to prevent diaper rashes

5 Ways to Prevent Diaper Rashes

Diaper rash is a common and painful condition that leads to redness, irritation, and soreness in the diaper area. While most children will experience at least mild bouts of it at some point, there are certain steps you can take to prevent diaper rash. Here are five tips for ensuring it doesn’t happen to your child.

  1. Change diapers frequently.
    Leaving a dirty diaper on too long is one of the main causes of diaper rash. Urine and feces can irritate the skin and exacerbate chafing, which is why you should be changing your child’s diapers as soon as you see they are soiled. To ensure that you stay on top of things, consider getting into the habit of checking diapers at the top of every hour, just to be sure.
  2. Allow the skin to dry completely during changing.
    Residual moisture will only make your child’s chafing and diaper rash problems worse, so always be sure to allow the skin to dry completely during changing. Diapers are designed to prevent leaks, but this design also means air is not allowed to circulate freely around the skin. Because of this, even small amounts of liquid don’t have the chance to evaporate and can lead to big problems with irritation.
  3. Choose well-fitting diapers.
    Babies grow quickly, so it’s not uncommon to find yourself with diapers that are becoming increasingly too small. However, if they’re too tight, diapers can lead to even more chafing than usual. Additionally, it’s also possible to over-tighten diapers, which can lead to the same problems.
  4. Skip the baby wipes.
    Baby wipes are quick and efficient, but often times they can cause skin irritation—especially if they contain alcohol or are scented. Instead, opt for cleaning with warm water and a washcloth. If things are particularly messy down there, a gentle soap may be necessary, but there’s no reason to use baby wipes.
  5. Invest in a diaper rash cream.
    If you know your child is prone to irritation, consider using a diaper rash cream on a regular basis. Something as simple as petroleum jelly will help decrease the risk of chafing, but there are numerous over-the-counter products available as well that are designed specifically for diaper rash. 
Last Updated: November 10, 2014