A depiction of a nerve

What is the Trigeminal Nerve?

The trigeminal nerve is responsible for carrying sensation from your face to your brain. If this nerve becomes compressed or damaged, a condition called trigeminal neuralgia develops. Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition that causes excruciating pain in the face that can be triggered by even mild stimulation such as brushing your teeth or encountering a small breeze.

There are different branches of the trigeminal nerve that will affect different parts of your face, depending on which branch is damaged or compressed. The most common places affected are the cheek, jaw, teeth, gums, and lips. It is also possible for the eyes and forehead to be affected as well.

If the trigeminal nerve becomes too damaged, you will experience facial numbness. Sometimes treatment for trigeminal neuralgia focuses on damaging the trigeminal nerve in order to block the pain response, which may lead to numbness in the face.

Last Updated: November 16, 2015

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