Understanding Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder defined by difficulty going to sleep, inability to stay asleep, and tossing and turning. Insomnia is generally divided into three categories: transient insomnia, which only lasts a very short time, short-term insomnia, which may persist for a few weeks, and chronic insomnia, which may last more than a month.


The symptoms of insomnia may be attributed to number of things. Below is a list of factors that interfere with restful sleep.

  • An uncomfortable mattress
  • A room temperature is too warm or cold
  • An environment that is excessively noisy
  • Sleeping with a restless or snoring partner
  • Stress that creates anxiety and depression
  • Serious health issues
  • Chronic pain
  • Medications that interfere with sleep


There are a variety of treatment options for people who are suffering from insomnia. Relaxation therapy involves a conscious effort to relax tense muscles by listening to soothing music or sounds produced by white noise machines that mimic waterfalls, rainfall, and jungle sounds.

Stimulus control therapy can also be effective. This method involves eliminating any activities that stimulate the body and hinder it from relaxing prior to sleep. Eliminate irritating noise if possible, take medication that will reduce pain if it is present, avoid caffeine and alcoholic drinks late in the evening, turn off bright lights, and avoid watching television or listening to music that is stimulating.

Sleep regulation involves establishing rigid times to go to bed and wake up in an attempt to regulate the circadian rhythms in the brain. While this method may work for you, it is not for everyone.

Over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines are used to treating insomnia. They should not be used without checking with a doctor. They may be useful in treating transient and short-term insomnia, but they should not be used for chronic insomnia. You can also talk to your doctor about using prescription medications that can treat serious sleeplessness. Herbal remedies such as valerian root can aid people who suffer from chronic insomnia.

Last Updated: February 05, 2016