a doctor examines an x-ray looking for lung cancer

Understanding Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Overview

Among the most common types of all cancers, lung cancer is caused by the rapid growth of the cells in the tissues within the lungs. This type is accompanied by weight loss, breathlessness and coughing up blood. CT scan are commonly used to diagnose patients. The stage of the cancer will determine the appropriate treatment for the symptoms, with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery being the three major options.

Lung Cancer Symptoms

Lung cancer symptoms can be one or all of the following: voice can turn hoarse; sudden loss of weight; pain felt in the chest and abdomen; difficulty swallowing; loss in appetite; breathlessness. Very few patients realize that they have cancer before diagnosis. Tumors are often noticed on a routine radio chest ratio graph.

Lung Cancer Causes

There are mainly three causes. Carcinogens are the first cause from the use of tobacco. The number of types of carcinogens in a cigarette is around 60 and 80%. If a person stops smoking, the damaged cells are repaired. Passive smoking might also lead to tumor growth, where the smoke is inhaled from another person. Other causes include viral infection as well as onizing radiation because of the DNA changes it causes. Tissue damage is the main reason for the increase in severity of the disease. Radon gas may be the an additional cause symptoms. There is no color or odor in radon gas. Asbestos is another suspect.

Various Lung Cancer Treatments

If doctors have already detected symptoms, they perform a CT scan and positron emission tomography. It can help to check the stage and severity of the lung cancer. Surgery is performed by the doctors only when they find that the tumor is already placed. Performing surgery is quite difficult to handle if it is found that the stage of the cancer is poor. Chemotherapy is the most common form of treatment for those who cannot go into surgery.

Last Updated: November 01, 2016