Overactive bladder is the condition that results in a person frequently needing to urinate or the feeling that one must urinate, but the bladder may not be entirely full.
The sensation that one needs to urinate is caused by the bladder's involuntary muscle contractions. An issue with the bladder's nerves and muscles result in the spasms and the impression is given that the bladder is full even when it is not or if the person just voided.
Overactive bladder causes could be the result of other conditions. For example, damage to the nerves in the bladder could be the result of a spinal cord injury, the effects of a stroke, consequence of dementia, diabetic neuropathy, or multiple sclerosis. Other possible overactive bladder causes are urinary tract infections or bladder stones. This is a condition typically diagnosed in older female adults, but can occur at any age regardless of whether male or female. A common condition that should not be ignored, overactive bladder is not a normal part of life and living with this condition in silence is not necessary because there are treatment options available.
Overactive Bladder Symptoms
The symptoms of overactive bladder are frequent urination, an urgency to urinate at all times of day and night, and frequent waking during the night to urinate. Some may even experience urinary incontinence or an inability to control the urine from leaking without warning. Overactive bladder signs should not be ignored because they could cause difficulty in other areas of one's life, for instance, social, personal, and sexual issues could result.
The fear of being far from a bathroom will cause sufferers to be stressed, nervous, and anxious often. Embarrassment and lack of self confidence are common in people who suffer from overactive bladder symptoms. These emotions will impact relationships and one's life. Overactive bladder symptoms should be discussed with a physician to properly diagnose and treat.
Overactive bladder signs like urinating three or more times during the night, urinating more than eight times a day, and urinary incontinence are all important details to present to a physician. The more details the physician is aware of, the better diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis can be made. A treatment plan can alleviate that anxious emotion, control the bladder, and repair one’s confidence.
Overactive Bladder Treatment
As previously mentioned, overactive bladder is not a normal part of life or aging. There is overactive bladder treatment available for people in different types of situations and with varying degrees of over activeness. Physicians can provide patients with overactive bladder information and treatment options so that an ideal solution is reached. The options range from rehabilitation and behavioral retraining to surgery.
The option that best suits each individual will differ from one situation to the next. Some patients may be able to strengthen the pelvic muscles with exercise. For instance, female sufferers can strengthen their pelvic muscles and prevent urinary incontinence with Kegel exercises. Electrical pulses known as pelvic-floor electrical stimulation is also an option. Behavioral retraining means to avoid the temptation to urinate and lengthen the time between bathroom trips.
Medications are also available to suppress the urge to urinate, increase the time between voiding, and help patients live a normal life. Many treatment options will be combined for quicker effective results. If one option does not seem to work, then consult the physician and review the options. The key is to discuss the symptoms, review the facts and information, and make an informed decision on the best treatment option.