Lupus Treatment

Lupus is a type of autoimmune disorder that attacks the organs and tissues in the body. Many parts of the body can be affected by lupus, including the brain, lungs , blood cells, heart , skin, and joints. Lupus cannot be cured, but it can be managed with the right treatments.

Treatment Options

The signs and symptoms that a patient is experiencing are some of the things that doctors take into consideration when they are determining treatment options for lupus. Doctors also consider the parts of the body that are being affected by lupus. Below are some of the treatment options available for lupus:

  • Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Medications These medicines help treat lupus by reducing inflammation, and they can also help reduce fever, which is very common in lupus patients. There are both prescription and over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, but neither are usually taken for a long period of time. They can cause serious side effects in some patients, such as heart problems, kidney problems, and bleeding in the stomach.
  • Antidepressants Many patients who have lupus often suffer from sleeping problems. Antidepressants can help people sleep better. Doctors may also prescribe mild anti-anxiety medications.
  • Corticosteroids Corticosteroids are another type of medication that help reduce inflammation. However, they often cause a number of dangerous side effects, including diabetes, heart disease, and weight gain. The higher the dosage is, the more likely a patient is to experience side effects.
  • Immune Suppressants If a person has a serious case of lupus, then the doctor may recommend immune suppressants. Cellcept, Cytoxan, and Arava are some of the immune suppressants available. These medications are effective, but they can cause several side effects. Mild side effects include fever, nausea, and diarrhea. Increased risk of cancer, decreased fertility, and liver damage are some of the more serious side effects.
  • Diet, Rest, and Exercise

    Lifestyle changes are very important for lupus patients. Dietary changes can help ease the symptoms of this condition, such as inflammation. They should include more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains in their diets. Processed foods should be limited. Additionally, fatty fish such as mackerel and salmon should be incorporated into lupus patients' diets.

    Rest can help ease the symptoms of this condition. However, it is important for lupus patients to get regular exercise. It can help control weight, strengthen the muscles and joints, and prevent loss of joint mobility. Swimming and walking are great exercises for lupus patients, because they are low impact.

Last Updated: February 08, 2016