Insomnia Treatments

Insomnia is a type of sleeping disorder in which people are unable to get a sufficient amount of rest because they have difficulty staying or falling asleep. This condition can be extremely frustrating, but there are treatment options available. Many people get relief simply by making a couple of adjustments in their lifestyle. If lifestyle changes fail to work, then medications can be used.

Lifestyle Changes

In many cases, insomnia can be alleviated by making a couple of lifestyle changes. Exercising at least five or six days a week for 20 to 30 minutes is one of the things you can do to alleviate insomnia. Regular physical activity helps promote restful sleep. However, experts recommend exercising early in the day. Exercising a few hours before bed time may actually contribute to your insomnia.

Napping during the day can help you feel refreshed. However, long naps can actually trigger or worsen insomnia. Naps should be limited to 30 minutes per day. If possible, you should try to take a nap before 2 p.m. It is also a good idea to avoid watching the television, playing a videogame, or using the computer right before bed. The light from the screens can actually interfere with sleep quality. Caffeine and alcohol can be it harder to sleep; they should be avoided before bedtime. Furthermore, you should try your best to stick to a regular sleeping schedule.


If lifestyle changes do not alleviate your insomnia, you may need to take medication. Antihistamines may be helpful for treating insomnia. However, if they are used for an extended period of time, they may actually reduce sleep quality. They may also cause unpleasant side effects such as urinary retention, dizziness, and memory problems. Frequent urination is also a side effect of antihistamines that can cause you to wake up during the night. Older adults are more likely to experience unpleasant side effects.

There are also prescription medications that can be used for treating insomnia. Some of the most popular ones include Sonata, Ambien, and Lunesta. Even though many medications are approved for long-term use, doctors typically do not recommend taking them for more than a few weeks. Insomnia drugs come with the risk of dependence.

Last Updated: July 13, 2016