a doctor examining a patient for symptoms of hypertension

Hypertension Symptoms

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a serious problem. You do not usually experience any symptoms with minor or mild hypertension. Symptoms generally start after years without treatment or because the hypertension is caused by a related medical problem, such as kidney disease. Several symptoms could indicate hypertension.

Dizziness and Confusion

Two common symptoms of hypertension are dizziness and confusion. Both of these can be caused by restricted blood flow to the brain. They can also be caused by organ damage due to years of untreated hypertension. You might not experience the dizziness and confusion at the same time.

Consistent Fatigue

Hypertension that is not treated can damage internal organs like the kidneys, brain, and heart. Blood vessels might be restricted due to related problems. This can all contribute to a feeling of tiredness or fatigue. This type of fatigue can strike suddenly and stick with you even after getting a restful night of sleep.

Vision Impairment

Another side effect of long-term hypertension is that it can damage the eyes and nerves in the body. This could impair your vision. Some common symptoms include blurry vision or double vision. It could become hard to focus on nearby objects. If vision problems start, then you need to take action right away.

Irregular Heartbeat

The damage to the body and narrowing blood vessels could cause an irregular heartbeat. An irregular heartbeat by itself is not necessarily indicative that you are in immediate danger. It is a sign that the hypertension could have progressed to an advanced stage. You should seek help right away if your heart starts to beat in an irregular pattern for any length of time.

Pounding Sensations

The increase in blood pressure can cause you to start experiencing a pounding sensation in your chest or neck. This is really the movement of blood under the higher-pressure conditions. This symptom could mean blood pressure is dangerously high. The pounding can affect everything from the ears to the chest.

Chest Pains

Several different issues related to hypertension can cause pains in the chest. Increased blood pressure, damage to artery walls, and damage to the heart can all lead to chest pains. Chest pains are one of the most serious symptoms of hypertension, because they can indicate heart problems.

Crisis Symptoms

A hypertensive crisis means blood pressure has reached a level that is immediately dangerous to your health. The symptoms of hypertensive crises can include nosebleeds, headaches, anxiety attacks, and difficulty breathing. Sudden vision problems, a flushed face, and red spots in the eyes are less common symptoms. If you experience these symptoms, then medical attention is needed immediately.

Diagnosing Hypertension

If you suspect that you have hypertension, the first thing to do is see a doctor right away. Experiencing symptoms could mean the hypertension is causing secondary problems that could threaten your health. Doctors can measure blood pressure and perform other tests, such as an electrocardiogram, to see whether hypertension is a problem.

Last Updated: February 09, 2016