a doctor who is talking  to a patient about how to prevent gynecomastia causes

Gynecomastia Causes

Gynecomastia is a condition in which a male develops breasts that resemble female breasts. The condition is often embarrassing to the men who encounter it, but it is not a life-threatening condition.

Gynecomastia develops because of an imbalance in two crucial hormones: testosterone and estrogen. Estrogen is related to female development, initiating certain processes such as ovulation in the female. Testosterone is responsible for the development of hair, the deepening of the voice, and the sex drive in the male. A man with gynecomastia has a surplus of estrogen and a deficiency of testosterone. The imbalance can be caused by one or several of the factors below.


A wide range of medications can cause the onset of gynecomastia. Antibiotics are an example of one type of medication that can cause the condition. Treatment of cancer with chemotherapy can cause the condition because of the chemicals that are involved in the treatment. Medications that treat anxiety have characteristics that can contribute to gynecomastia; Valium is such a medication. Anabolic steroids can cause the condition. Furthermore, people who are taking medications for HIV are especially susceptible to developing gynecomastia.

Drug and Alcohol Usage

Drug and alcohol usage can cause gynecomastia. Marijuana, heroin, methadone, and amphetamines are examples of drugs that can cause men to develop breasts. Habitual alcohol usage can have the same effect.

Health Conditions

Several health conditions can contribute to the development of gynecomastia. One health condition that can cause it to occur is liver failure. Liver failure can cause gynecomastia because of hormonal changes of the disease or hormonal changes brought forth by the medications. When people suffer from kidney failure, doctors usually treat them with hemodialysis. Such treatment can cause gynecomastia because of the hormonal changes that the treatment initiates.

Persons who do not digest the proper amount of nutrients are susceptible to developing gynecomastia. Such individuals include people who eat a great deal of junk foods. Persons who have eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia are also vulnerable to suffering from hormonal changes.

The normal aging process unfortunately initiates some chemical and hormonal imbalances. Men over the age of 18 are the most vulnerable to developing the condition, as testosterone levels tend to decrease with age. Any condition that affects the amount of testosterone a male produces can cause the gynecomastia. Special treatments may be available to replenish some of the testosterone to the body.


Several herbs have been noted to cause symptoms of gynecomastia. Such herbs include tea tree, lavender, and a several other plant oils. The reason that they contribute to the condition is a reaction with estrogen in the body.

Last Updated: September 06, 2016