Oral cancer normally begins in your tongue or the bottom of your mouth, but it can technically develop in any area of your mouth or throat. Oral cancer is life-threatening, but early detection and treatment can significantly increase your chance of survival.
Recognizing the warning signs can help you know when it's time to seek treatment. Here is a look at the early signs of oral cancer.
One of the first signs of oral cancer is the appearance of red and white lesions. The medical term for these lesions are "leukoplakia" (white lesions) and "erythroplakia" (red lesions).
Red lesions are not as common as white lesions, but they are more likely to become cancerous. If you notice any red or white lesions that do not go away on their own after two weeks, you should see your doctor and have a biopsy done.
Other Warning Signs
Other signs and symptoms that can occur in the early stage of oral caner include a lump or thickening in the oral soft tissues, a feeling like something is stuck in your throat, trouble chewing or swallowing, ear pain, difficulty moving your jaw or tongue, prolonged hoarseness, numbness of your tongue or in your mouth, dentures or teeth that do not fit together due to swelling, and unusual oral bleeding.
The main thing to keep in mind is that if any symptoms last longer than two weeks, consult with your doctor for further examination and testing right away. Symptoms are felt and seen easily, so pay attention to any changes in your mouth and throat.