A woman sneezes

Congestion Natural Remedies

Whether from allergies, a cold, or the flu, being congested can leave you feeling tired and dreary. Nasal congestion is caused by swelling in the nasal cavity, which leads to a buildup of mucus. Chest congestion is caused by a buildup of mucus in your lungs and respiratory tract that can affect your breathing and leave your chest feeling very heavy.

Since most cases of nasal and chest congestion are caused by viruses such as the common cold or the flu, there is usually not much you can do for medical treatment. Though there are some over the counter decongestants you can take, these can be costly. Here are some natural home remedies that are cheap and effective.


Garlic is one of the best home remedies for relieving both nasal and chest congestion. This is because it contains both antiviral and antifungal properties that can help fight the infection that is causing your congestion. You can eat fresh garlic cloves or simply boil a few cloves in a cup of water and drink daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also good for clearing up both nasal and chest congestion. This mixture is very good for helping to thin mucus, which makes it easier to clear out. It is also rich in nutrients that can help boost your immunity and prevent infection. The best way to drink apple cider vinegar is to mix two tablespoons with honey in warm water and drink daily.


Steam is a natural expectorant that helps to clear congestion and lubricate your respiratory tract. The moisture in the steam also helps to break up and dissolve mucus for both nasal congestion and chest congestion. Taking a hot shower and breathing in the steam vapors is one the easiest ways to reap the benefits of steam inhalation.

Salt Water

Gargling salt water will help to both remove mucus from your respiratory tract as well as reduce irritation in your throat. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle two or three times daily. This method works best for clearing chest congestion.

Herbal Tea

Drinking a hot herbal tea a few times per day will help thin mucus that is clogging your nasal passages, as well as flush out any toxins in your body. Peppermint tea is really good for nasal congestion, since the menthol helps to open up your nasal passages.


Honey is a good home remedy for chest congestion since it helps reduce the thickness of mucus in your lungs, which promotes easy removal from the respiratory tract. Honey also helps to fight infection, since it is high in antiviral and antibacterial properties. Eating one teaspoon of raw honey or mixing it with warm water will help to alleviate congestion for several hours at a time.

Black Pepper

Black pepper is one of the easiest ways to relieve nasal congestion and blocked sinuses. This is because it induces sneezing, which helps to rid your sinuses of the mucus and allergens that are causing your symptoms. Simply breathing in the aroma of black pepper will help—it may make you sneeze, so don’t suppress the urge. 

Last Updated: December 16, 2016