Chickenpox is an extremely contagious infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It comes on suddenly with flu-like symptoms appearing a day or two before an itchy rash begins to break out over the body. The following are common treatments for preventing or relieving chickenpox.
Varicella Vaccine
The best treatment for chickenpox is the varicella vaccine. The vaccine is safe and 98% effective at preventing the disease. If someone who is vaccinated still contracts chickenpox, it is milder, with a less severe rash and mild to no fever.
The vaccine is administered in two doses. The first dose is given at 12 to 15 months and the second dose is given at 4 to 6 years. If not vaccinated as a child, you can still receive the vaccination in two doses as an adult.
Over-the-counter medication containing acetaminophen such as Tylenol treats both fevers and headaches from chickenpox.
Do NOT take aspirin or aspirin-containing products. The combination of aspirin with chickenpox is known to cause Reye’s syndrome, a fatal disease that targets the liver and brain.
An oatmeal or baking soda bath also offers relief from the uncomfortable rash by reducing itchiness and irritation. For an oatmeal bath grind two cups of oatmeal into a fine powder. Pour the powder into a hot bath and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. For baking soda, mix 1/2 to 1 cup of baking soda in hot bath water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes.
Antiviral Medications
In rare cases, a doctor will prescribe antiviral medication for adults and immunocompromised people. Antiviral medication such as acyclovir, valacyvlovir, or famciclovir should be taken 24 hours after chickenpox starts. Such medication is used to prevent serious complication that can occur from chickenpox in high risk cases.