a visual representation of borderline personality disorder symptoms

Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) can affect every aspect of a person's life, including his or her confidence, self-image, personal relationships, and more. The first step toward a BPD-free life is understanding what borderline personality disorder is, some signs and symptoms of this condition, and what treatment options exist.

What is borderline personality disorder?

This is a disorder that can be diagnosed in young adults once they are past the age of 18, but most individuals will show signs and symptoms throughout their teenage years. The primary indicators of this condition involve difficulty with self-perception and personal relationships. A person may exhibit one or more symptoms of BPD one day and seem collected, balanced, and content the next day.

What causes borderline personality disorder?

While there is no single method to accurately predict who will develop BPD, there are some risk factors. These main factors include genetics and trauma earlier on in their life. Those with immediate family members who have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are at a much higher risk, and many patients diagnosed with this condition have been physically, emotionally, or sexually abused in their past. In some instances, patients can develop BPD with almost no other indicators.

What are the symptoms of borderline personality disorder?

The symptoms of borderline personality disorder vary from person to person, and this is one of the reasons that it is so difficult to diagnose a patient with this condition without thorough testing. If you suspect that you or a loved one may have BPD, there are some common signs and side effects to watch out for. The most common symptom is highly impulsive behavior.

Those with BPD may  display impulsive behavior with binge eating, unhealthy diets, substance abuse, and unsafe sexual behavior. Others will have extreme paranoia and feel as if their families, loved ones, coworkers, or anyone else that they interact with is conspiring against them. Finally, patients with BPD often report that they have feelings of depression, anger, and emptiness to the point that they feel as if they are in a dream.

If you have noticed any of these symptoms in yourself or someone close to you, it is vital to seek out a specialist immediately, as the most effective treatment options must begin as early as possible. Some of the most common treatments include medication to cope with the symptoms, psychotherapy, self-help, and counseling.

Last Updated: March 02, 2015