a woman engaging in an exercise that fights varicose veins

5 Exercises that Fight Varicose Veins

Exercise is a great means of treating varicose veins. In fact, many physicians will recommend it to their patients before prescribing other treatments. While getting up and moving in any form will undoubtedly be beneficial, there are certain exercises that are especially good at fighting varicose veins, and here are our top five choices. As always, it’s best to consult with your doctor before attempting these or any other new exercises.

  1. Walking

    One of the simplest things you can do to improve your varicose veins is go for a walk. It gets the blood in your legs pumping, and it’s great for a whole host of other health reasons too, such as weight loss, blood pressure control, and osteoporosis prevention. Try sneaking some extra walking into your routine by taking the stairs at work or parking near the back of parking lots.

  2. Leg Lifts

    Leg lifts to fight varicose veins are a bit different than the traditional variety. For these, you’ll want to lie on your back with your hands underneath your lower back to minimize strain. Lift one leg at a time until they are perpendicular to the floor. Stay in this position until you feel the blood begin to circulate in your legs and thighs.

  3. Swimming

    Swimming is a great way to treat varicose veins in the most low-impact way possible. The reduced pressure on your legs in the water will help stimulate the flow of blood and reduce your symptoms. Ideally, you should aim for about 30 minutes of swimming each day to really experience its positive benefits.

  4. Cycling

    Riding a bike gets your legs moving and helps your blood circulate normally. As with swimming, you should aim for about 30 minutes of cycling each day. However, be careful to not overexert yourself—while moderate exercise can help fight varicose veins, strenuous workouts will actually make your problems worse.

  5. Yoga

    Yoga poses, especially those that require your legs to be above your heart, are a great way to increase your circulation and minimize varicose veins. Yoga is also gentle enough that you don’t have to worry about overexerting yourself. Poses like shoulder stand, dancer, and seated forward bend will get your blood flowing, alleviate pain, and reduce swelling.

Last Updated: December 13, 2016