Serious sore throat signs

3 Times a Sore Throat is a Sign of Something More Serious

Often times, a sore throat is the body’s way of reacting to allergies or the common cold. In these cases, once the source of the allergy or the virus causing the cold runs its course, the sore throat disappears. However, there are other times when a sore throat may be a sign of something that is more serious. How can a person know if their sore throat is something minor or if it is an indicator of a more serious condition?

Warning Signs 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers a list of warning signs that an individual can use to determine if their sore throat is harmless or if it is a sign of a more serious ailment. Some of the signs include:

  • A sore throat that lasts more than seven days
  • A sore throat that leads to difficulties breathing or swallowing
  • A sore throat that leads to excessive drooling, especially in younger children
  • A body temperature higher than 100 degrees
  • Pus on the throat
  • Blood in the saliva or phlegm
  • Dehydration or persistent dry mouth 

Individuals who experience any of the above mentioned signs in connection with their sore throat should seek medical attention. The following are a few of the serious health conditions that cause these symptoms. 

Oral Cancer

One of the early warning signs that a person may have oral cancer is a persistent sore throat. According to statistics by the National Cancer Institute, oral cancer most commonly affects individuals who are over 45 years of age and who have a history of tobacco use. A common form of oral cancer is cancer of the tonsils, which presents itself as small ulcers or small white patches leading to a sore throat. In many cases, when oral cancer is caught early it can be treated and is not fatal.

Strep Throat

Symptoms of strep throat include a sore throat, a high fever, and low energy. However, the strain of bacteria responsible for strep throat can live in a person’s nose, throat, or mouth for months without causing any negative effects. Although strep throat can easily be cured with antibiotics, it is a serious illness that should not be taken lightly. If left untreated, it can lead to rheumatic fever and can eventually be fatal.


Mono, a sickness that is caused by the herpes virus, usually starts with a sore throat. The sore throat will persist for weeks, and as the disease progresses, the sick individual will begin to feel pain in their neck, their armpits, and their groin. Additionally, they will notice that their tonsils are large and usually covered with white patches. Eventually, the disease leads to breathing difficulties and loss of energy. In extreme cases, mono can cause a person’s spleen to swell and even burst. When this happens, it is an emergency situation and must be treated immediately.

Last Updated: March 03, 2016