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Quick, Easy Methods for Calming Anxiety

Change Your Focus

Change Your Focus

The first step is to notice and stop your negative thoughts. Think about what makes you happy and focus on this thought for five to 10 minutes. Studies show that focusing on positive thoughts can reduce anxiety quickly. 

When you start to feel overwhelmed and anxious, try to leave the situation and change your focus. Walk out of the room or go outside to get out of your head. 

Think It Through

Think It Through

Ask yourself, “Will this matter to me this time next week?” or, “How important is this?”. Allow yourself to shift your focus and calm down. 

Typically, when we are anxious, we become focused on the cause, and all of our rational thoughts leave our mind. Have a mantra to use in these situations – you will be surprised at the results.

Listen to Music

Listen to Music

Next time you feel your anxiety cranking up, grab some headphones and turn on your favorite music. Listening to music can have a calming effect on your mind and body. 

Listening to your favorite songs can bring some positivity back into your mind, reducing your stress and anxiety levels. Crank the music up and sing at the top of your lungs. You will feel an almost instant release of emotions. It feels good to belt out your favorite song.

Foot Grounding

Foot Grounding

The foot grounding exercise is quite common for those who are experiencing anxiety. It’s simple: place your feet flat on the floor, breathe in for five seconds and then out for five seconds. Repeat this up to five times. 

Another common method of foot grounding is walking barefoot in the grass. This is called “earthing”.  Research shows that walking barefoot in the grass can significantly reduce stress and has many additional physiological benefits such as improving sleep.

Write it Down

Write it Down

Feeling worried and anxious, but aren’t totally sure why? Writing down how you feel can be a very effective way to explore your thoughts and calm your body and brain. 

Research actually shows that keeping a journal can be a healthy way to help you deal with negative feels and can help alleviate stress. Grab your journal first thing in the mornings and write down anything that’s on your mind. Doing this regularly can help you release and process what is happening. 

Talk to Someone

Talk to Someone

Whether you talk to a health professional or one of your friends, talking through your anxiety can be very effective. There is no reason to be shy about your anxiety. 

Talking to supportive people you trust can give you an added boost of confidence and relief. Discussing your anxiety with someone may help you gain perspective and have a positive impact on your stress levels.

Walk it Off

Walk it Off

In some cases, anxiety can stem from a buildup of adrenaline. Exercise, even if it’s just a walk, can help exert the extra energy. Just a short 20-minute walk will help calm your nerves. 

Many people say exercise is nature’s anti-anxiety remedy, and they aren’t wrong. Try to get outside as often as you can. Studies show that fresh air can help relieve stress and anxiety.

Take a Bath

Take a Bath

Research actually shows that raising your body temperature is an effective remedy for anxiety and stress. So take a warm bath to help relax your muscles and your mind.

Add some Epsom salts to your bath. The magnesium sulfate in the salts has been proven to calm anxiety and lower blood pressure. Soak in the Epsom salt bath for at least 15 to 20 minutes to get the full effects. 

Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep Breathing Exercises

Practicing deep breathing exercises is the simplest way to quickly relieve stress and anxiety. The quality of our breathing actually tells us a lot. If you're feeling anxious, you're most likely experiencing shortness of breath. 

Practice taking long, deep breaths when you begin feeling ungrounded. Breathing exercises will help relax the nervous system. Try the four-count method: breathe in for four seconds, then out for four seconds and repeat for as long as needed.

Identify Pressure Points

Identify Pressure Points

Pressure points are specific points on the body that can create a therapeutic effect when pressed. When it comes to relieving anxiety, there are a few different pressure points that can quickly ease the feelings of stress and nervousness. 

There are three pressure points for anxiety that are the most effective: hall of impression point, heavenly gate point, and shoulder well point. Hall of impression point is between your eyebrows. Close your eyes, touch the spot between your eyebrows, take deep breaths, and apply firm pressure for 5 to 10 minutes. The heavenly gate point is in the upper part of your ear. Locate this point and apply pressure in a circular motion for up to two minutes. The shoulder point is in your shoulder muscles. Pinch your shoulder muscle with your middle finger and thumb, and then massage the point for five seconds, continue for two to three minutes.