Muscle Spasms and Cramps

Muscle spasms and cramps are one of the most common signs of magnesium deficiency. It can be difficult to connect muscle spasms to magnesium deficiency since spasms and cramps can be caused by a variety of things.
Muscle cramps are caused by the greater flow of calcium into nerve cells, which causes the muscle nerves to hyper-stimulate. Typically, those experiencing magnesium deficiency will have muscle spasms in the legs, feet, or the eyelids.

Feeling tired and lethargic is not uncommon, and it can be easy to blame fatigue on other things such as a busy work schedule. But it’s also one of the most common symptoms of a magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium helps produce and support energy levels, and an insufficient level will result in fatigue. Be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any new supplements.

The heart heavily relies on magnesium for proper functioning. If you begin to notice that your heart beats irregularly, a magnesium deficiency may be to blame.
Arrhythmia includes rapid heartbeats, slow heartbeats, and sudden changes in heart rhythm for no reason. Magnesium directly helps the body maintain a normal, healthy heart rhythm.
Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea is an early warning sign of magnesium deficiency. Like many other signs and symptoms, nausea and/or vomiting can be caused by a variety of things.
Keep in mind, if you are experiencing nausea the issue could be that your magnesium levels are too high. For those suffering from regular nausea, it’s definitely worth a trip to the doctor’s office.

Low magnesium levels can make you feel dizzy and off balance, similar feeling to vertigo. If dizziness is your only symptom of magnesium deficiency, it can be hard to diagnose since it’s a common symptom for many issues.
If you’re experiencing dizziness be sure to visit your doctor because it will not disappear on its own. You may notice you are only slightly dizzy in the beginning, but over time the symptoms will progressively get worse.

Experiencing numbness or a tingling sensation in your body, such as the hands and feet, is a sign that you may be deficient in magnesium. Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body as it’s responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions.
If the body is not getting sufficient magnesium, it can prevent nerve and muscle tissue from properly functioning resulting in numbness. Numbness can be a scary symptom, so it’s important to consult your doctor immediately.
Personality Changes

Magnesium plays a vital role in regulating neurotransmitter balance. Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that regulate behaviors and thought patterns ranging from motivation to focus to sleep among many others.
If you begin to experience daily mood swings, consult your doctor. It’s likely you are magnesium deficient.
Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Anxiety and panic attacks are all too common, but if you are experiencing it regularly it could be due to an insufficient level of magnesium. Stress is typically a huge factor when it comes to anxiety and unfortunately, stress can decrease your magnesium levels.
Low magnesium levels cause anxiety and completely depletes your magnesium reserves during panic attacks. Talk to your doctor if you experience the symptoms.

If you are magnesium deficient, your sleep will likely suffer. Magnesium helps with the production of GABA in the brain. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter – a chemical that promotes relaxation.
Magnesium is a critical nutrient that helps determine sleep quality. Unfortunately, people with low magnesium levels often experience restless sleep.
High Blood Pressure

Magnesium deficiency may increase blood pressure and promote high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that individuals with low levels of magnesium had high blood pressure and those with high levels of magnesium had healthier blood pressure.
High blood pressure can be caused by an array of things, but it has been linked to magnesium deficiency. As previously noted, never start taking new supplements without consulting your doctor.