
Eggs are the perfect food on a bland diet because you can enjoy them however you'd like—fried, scrambled, boiled, or broiled. However, be careful not to over-season them or add ingredients such as added fats or hard to digest cheeses. Also, you may want to limit the amount of eggs you consume to approximately six per week due to their high choloesterol content.
Canned Fruits
White Pasta

Applesauce is usually low in both acidity and fiber, which makes it the perfect food for a bland diet. In addition to being easier to digest, it is a versatile food and can be used to satisfy sweets cravings or as an addition to a meal. Sugar-free applesauce is even easier to digest and it has the added benefit of helping to control blood sugars if you're a diabetic.

Do your gastrointestinal issues include frequent acid reflux? Well then, we have the fish for you! Low in fat, mild, soft, easy to digest, and not to mention yummy—what's not to love about salmon? An extra benefit of adding salmon to your bland diet is all the omega-3 fatty acids you'll get to benefit your body and brain!
White Bread

White bread is made with refined white flour, is full of complex carbohydrates and grains, and is easy for the body to digest and break down while not irritating the digestive tract. Although it is recommended that white bread be eaten without adding fats such as butter or margarine, you can always add some canned fruit or applesauce to some dry toast to make it tastier.

We didn't know if you knew this yet, but—Bananas are the super fruit of all fruits! They are chock full of potassium and other healthy nutrients but they're also low in fiber and gentle enough on your digestive tract to be safe to eat on a bland diet. Plus - they're totally tasty and can go a long way when you may have a craving for sweets.

Broth is kind of a superfood, too. It is one of the most often recommended foods made to those who suffer from gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. It doesn't matter if it's chicken or beef—it will help you to regain energy by replenishing your electrolytes. It is also one of the easiest things to digest after a stomach illness. Oh! And for being such a bland food, it has lots of great flavor!
White Rice

Although rice has next to no nutritional value besides carbohydrates, it is one of the most gentle foods for your body to digest. Its soft and simple texture will not irritate your digestive tract or cause further gastrointestinal issues. In addition, it can be added to many other items on the bland diet thanks to it's mild flavor.