Things You Need to Know About Bipolar Disorder


There are Two Types of Bipolar Disorder

We break bipolar disorder down into two categories because it helps us understand and treat them better. Bipolar I disorder is characterized by a tendency toward the mania side of the spectrum. People with bipolar I disorder experience at least one full manic episode, and usually experience hypomanic and depressive episodes, as well.

Bipolar II disorder is marked by moods that lean more toward the depressive side. A bipolar II disorder diagnosis requires at least one major depressive episode, and one episode of hypomania. Hypomania means “less than mania” – it’s an elevated mood state, but it’s not quite a full-on manic episode. People with hypomania experience a loss of inhibition and an increase in energy, but don't usually get the full extent of the irritability or recklessness that comes with full mania.

Image: Jurica Koletic via Unsplash.

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