Always Feeling Like You Need to Urinate

If you are feeling like you always need to go to the bathroom, no matter how long it has been since the last time, that could indicate a bladder infection. This is probably because your body recognizes something foreign in the urinary tract and is trying to get it out.Before you jump to conclusions that it is a bladder infection, think of what else it could be. Did you recently drink a large beverage? Could you be pregnant? Also consider if you are experiencing any of these other symptoms of a bladder infection.
Uncomfortable Stinging or Burning When Urinating

This is one of the hallmarks of a bladder infection. If it is uncomfortable for you to urinate because of stinging or burning, that is a good sign you should be talking to your doctor very soon.If it is very mild, and it only happens once, then you could be fine. However, if this happens several times in one day, occurs over several days, or hurts badly, then you should call your doctor.
Urinating in Small Amounts Frequently

Another possible symptom of a bladder infection is urinating only in small amounts, but several times throughout the day. This is a sign that there is possible swelling in your urinary tract.If you are experiencing this along with pain or other symptoms, definitely call your doctor to get it checked out. If it is not a bladder infection, it could mean that there is something else wrong instead.
Passing Cloudy Urine

If your urine is cloudy, but there seems to be no reason for it, it could mean a bladder infection. Combine this symptom with pain or trouble urinating, and this is a very good sign it could be an infection.Cloudy urine is not clear, but instead looks like there is something else with the urine that makes it discolored. If this happens several times throughout the day, then you should call your doctor.
Observing Discolored Urine

Along with cloudy urine, you could experience discolored urine. This is urine that is brown, red, or pink, usually caused by blood in the urinary tract.Having blood in the urinary tract is a very strong sign of infection, one that is very far along at that. This means that you have had the infection long enough for it to cause serious irritation to your urinary tract. If you notice this discoloration, immediately call your doctor.
Noticing a Strong Smell

Smell is another sign of infection. If you notice that your urine has a very strong smell, or you notice that something is off, it could mean that you have a bladder infection.Keep in mind that different foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, and asparagus can have effects on the way that your urine smells, so a weird smell is not always an indication of infection.
Experiencing Pelvic Pain

Another sign that could mean a bladder infection is pelvic pain. Pelvic pain can be caused by many different things, such as digestive issues or reproductive issues, so this by itself is not reason to think you have a bladder infection.Depending on the severity of the pain and the accompanying symptoms, you should call your doctor to figure out what could be the problem to make sure it does not get worse and make sure you get the proper treatment.
Feeling Pain in the Upper Back and Side

This symptom is associated with a kidney infection, which can be the result of an untreated bladder infection. If the infection spreads up the urinary tract to the kidneys, this can become very serious.If you are experiencing pain in your upper back and side, where your kidneys are located, along with symptoms of a bladder infection, you should reach out to your doctor immediately.
Having a High Fever

This is another symptom of a kidney infection. If you are experiencing a high fever along with your bladder infection symptoms, this could mean that the infection is very serious.Your body causes itself to have a fever when foreign viruses and bacteria enter your body, so it tries to kill them off by making your body an unwelcoming, hot place so they can’t survive. Help your body and talk to your doctor if you have a fever with a bladder infection.
Vomiting or Experiencing Nausea

This final symptom is also one that indicates your bladder infection has spread to your kidneys. It could even mean that the infection is spreading to other parts of your body as well.
When infections are left untreated, they can migrate to other parts of your body through your bloodstream and make you way more sick than you would have been if you had gone to the doctor sooner. The bottom line is that if you think you have a bladder infection or another type of UTI, do not hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider.