30 Most Powerful Fat Burning Foods


30 Superfoods to Incorporate Into Your Diet. In today’s fast-paced and high-energy world, it can be easy to fall into bad eating habits. Fast food, vending machines, and convenience stores offer us an endless variety of snacks that will satisfy our cravings, but not our health needs. The average adult needs vitamins A, C, D, E, K, fiber, protein, carbs, fats, zinc, copper, manganese, and so much more. It can seem almost impossible to meet your daily recommendations for vitamins and nutrients. Luckily, by adding superfoods to your diet, you can easily get everything you need to live a long, happy life. 

If you haven’t heard of superfoods before, it’s a fairly new term that refers to foods that offer maximum nutritional benefits with minimal caloric intake. They are packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Antioxidants are important for reducing free radicals, a natural byproduct of energy production that can lead to heart disease, cancer, stroke, and immune deficiency, just to name a few. Most superfoods are plant-based, although they don’t have to be.

Healthy eating can take up a lot of time, money, and planning but incorporating superfoods is an easy way to get in all the essential vitamins and nutrients you need. Anyone can add superfoods into their day-to-day routine as snacks, sides with meals, or as a full meal by themselves. These foods are not a cure-all and still must be consumed in moderation, but they have massive health benefits when you get the right amounts.

If you’re interested in packing in healthier foods and getting the most out of your nutrition, keep reading to discover 30 superfoods to incorporate into your diet. 

Disclaimer: The information in this content is for general informational purposes only, not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle.


This is a gluten-free, protein-rich food that contains all nine of the essential amino acids which are responsible for many bodily functions. Quinoa is also high in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, calcium, and antioxidants. It doesn’t get much more super than that. Although, if you have diverticulitis, this isn't the superfood for you.


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  • Starting to feel claustrophobic? The smells of apples may help keep your claustrophobic feelings at bay according to a 1995 study by Dr. Alan Hirsch. Green apples, specifically, helped people change their perception of their space. Maybe they thought of expansive apple orchards? Cucumbers and barbecue made the feelings worse.