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30 Treatments and Remedies for Psoriasis

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic Acid

Many people with psoriasis turn to salicylic acid to ease their troubles. Salicylic acid is often found in over-the-counter ointments. It causes the outer layer of skin to shed, encouraging psoriatic scales to fall off.

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Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum Jelly

Dry skin makes psoriasis worse, so make sure you keep it hydrated. Because psoriasis is more severe than regular dry skin, lotion will not do enough to keep your skin hydrated. One of the best ways to keep your skin hydrated is to use a petroleum jelly like Vaseline after showering to lock in moisture.

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Steroid-based Creams

Steroid-based Creams

One of the most popular ways to deal with psoriasis is to use a steroid-based cream prescribed by a doctor. Steroid-based creams are anti-inflammatory, soothe your itching skin, and help promote a healthy amount of skin regeneration.

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Many people with psoriasis have a vitamin D deficiency, and increasing your vitamin D intake may help psoriasis. This is largely due to vitamin D’s ability to slow skin growth. You can get vitamin D by taking a short walk in the sun or eating eggs, dairy products, and salmon.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera isn’t such a strong psoriasis remedy that it’ll fix all of your psoriasis problems, but when you use it in conjunction with other remedies, it can definitely help. Its antibacterial properties will help soothe your skin. Many people looking for aloe vera treatment opt for a topical cream with aloe vera in it.



Turmeric is great for a lot of things, but especially for people suffering from psoriasis. Because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it can greatly reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. Turmeric won’t completely cure your psoriasis, but more than likely, you’ll find that it helps.

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Capsaicin is the spicy ingredient in peppers, and it is often put in topical creams. Capsaicin creams are used for pain-relief, making it perfect for people looking for temporary psoriasis relief. It can burn if it gets in your eyes, though, so be sure to wash your hands if you decide to use capsaicin cream.

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Avoid Alcohol

Avoid Alcohol

While we all love to wind down with a glass of wine, it may not be the best thing for our psoriasis. Alcohol can be problematic for the condition. We’re not yet sure why, but there is a correlation between alcohol consumption and spikes in psoriasis symptoms.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements contain a specific type of omega-3 chemical called eicosatetraenoic acid. While we’re not expecting you to remember that fancy word, getting some of it in your diet can help your psoriasis. You can do this with fish oil supplements or including eating fish a few times a week.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Baking soda is perfect for a million home remedies, so we’re not surprised that it can also help people suffering from psoriasis. Sparingly using baking soda in baths can help relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of psoriasis. Baking soda will sting a bit, but if your flare-ups are getting worse, it’s worth considering.

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Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Dry skin is always uncomfortable. If you struggle with psoriasis, however, it’ll often lead to flare-ups. After bathing, be sure to use a product to lock the moisture into your skin. Coconut oil is a great way to do that.

Avoid Smoking

Avoid Smoking

Smoking is extremely detrimental to all of our health — but even more dangerous for people struggling with psoriasis. It can trigger psoriasis flare-ups and worsen your condition. If you’re struggling to kick your smoking habit, seek help.

A Warm Bath

A Warm Bath

When are warm baths not the solution to life’s problems? In the case of psoriasis, they hydrate the skin, soothe the afflicted areas, and loosen the scales that often come with psoriasis. Out of all of our home-remedies, this is our favorite.

Shea Butter

Shea Butter

Thick, heavy moisturizers are the best ways to keep your skin hydrated and healthy, especially if you have psoriasis. Shea butter fits this bill perfectly. Be sure to put it on after you bathe so you can lock in that moisture.



Humidifiers are a great way to keep your skin from drying out. They can be especially useful in the winter or in dry climates. People who struggle psoriasis will find them especially helpful.



Psoriasis causes a lot of itching and flaking, which can make your skin look and feel worse. That means that it’s essential to keep skin moisturized. The American Academy of Dermatology notes that moisturizing creams are a standard treatment to use alongside other therapies.



Probiotics are well-known to contain beneficial bacteria that can help strengthen your immune system. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, so probiotics can help manage the symptoms of psoriasis.

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Apple Cider Vinegar

 Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used to help relieve psoriasis on your scalp. It’s been recommended that you stick with organic apple cider vinegar and apply it to your scalp several times a day.

Dead Sea Salts

Dead Sea Salts

Adding some Epsom salts or dead sea salts added to a warm bath helps with removing psoriasis scales and eases itching.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Native to Australia, tea tree oil is believed to possess antiseptic qualities that can be applied to the skin. Some people have found that shampoos with tea tree oil help relieve scalp psoriasis. However, there hasn’t been any scientific studies to prove the effectiveness of tea tree oil for psoriasis.

Do Some Yoga

Do Some Yoga

Yoga is a fantastic stress reducer, and stress reduction can help relieve the pain and itch of plaque psoriasis. Devoting at least 20 minutes a day to yoga exercises can help both your psoriasis and your overall bodily and mental health.

Oregon Grape (Mahonia Aquifolium)

Oregon Grape (Mahonia Aquifolium)

Oregon Grape, also known as Mahonia Aquifolium, is known for being a powerful antimicrobial herb that helps immune response. Applying topical creams that contain at least 10% mahonia has been proven effective in treating mild to moderate psoriasis, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation.



Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric spice, and it can lessen inflammation in the body and reducing psoriatic activities.

Coal Tar

Coal Tar

Coal tar can help reduce the scaling, itching, and inflammation that is often associated with psoriasis. Coal tar is offered in over-the-counter shampoos, creams, and oils that can be given in higher concentrations with a prescription. However, it is messy and has a strong odor, so it’s up to you to decide if coal tar is worth it.

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Topical or oral retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A, which can decrease inflammation from psoriasis.



Methotrexate is a medicine that’s taken orally and helps people with psoriasis by decreasing skin cell production and suppressing inflammation. Speak with your doctor before taking any new medication. 

Avoid Fragrances

Avoid Fragrances

Soaps, moisturizers, body washes, and perfumes with a lot of additives such as dyes, chemicals, and fragrances can aggravate psoriasis symptoms. It’s better to choose products that are labeled for sensitive skin.

Lots of Water

Lots of Water

Water is an easy and natural treatment that most wouldn’t really think of. Drinking plain water helps keep you hydrated, which in turn keeps your skin from getting too dry.

Plastic Wraps

Plastic Wraps

For psoriasis, plastic wraps are an effective remedy. People suffering from psoriasis can wrap the affected area with plastic covers after applying their prescribed medications or ointments. This is done primarily to help the body hold in vital natural oils and water.

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Avoid Triggers

Avoid Triggers

Bad boss? Crazy family and friends? It’s probably best to avoid them as much as you can. The stress from triggers can actually make psoriasis symptoms worse. Meditation and some anxiety medications can help lower the stress from triggers. Note: always check with your doctor before starting or stopping new medications.