an image representing the costs of a tummy tuck

The Cost of a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, which is also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that works to remove excess fat build up in the abdominal region. During the procedure, excess skin can also be addressed; weakened abdominal muscles, or muscles separated during pregnancy, are also restored. The total process results in a slimmer, firmer, and smoother abdominal section.

The best candidates for a tummy tuck procedure include those who have lost a great deal of weight, women who have had children and are not planning future pregnancies, women who have undergone a C-section during child birth, individuals who have experienced weight gain or sagging in the abdomen due to aging, and individuals who have exhausted all other weight loss methods. Other factors may also make you a great candidate for a tummy tuck, so be sure to address your particular concerns with your health care provider.

Average Costs

Just as there are a lot of factors that go into performing a tummy tuck, there are a lot of factors that go into pricing a tummy tuck. According to a 2013 American Society of Plastic Surgeons report, the average cost of a tummy tuck is $5,217. Sound reasonable? We're not done yet. This cost only includes the cost of the surgeon's fee, it does not take into consideration any additional factors, such as the cost of anesthesia, operating room costs, surgical equipment fees, or additional charges for any complications.

This quoted estimate also doesn't take into consideration any additional procedures that you may want to lump in with your tummy tuck. For example, it is not uncommon for tummy tuck candidates to have a hernia treated during the procedure. Liposuction is another common procedure that is paired with a tummy tuck. Each additional procedure will cost you extra money. While the cost of each procedure decreases when grouped together, there will still be an additional cost for the added procedures.

When all is said and done, surgeons around the U.S. list a complete tummy tuck cost between $7,000 and $11,000. This is an extremely wide range, but take into consideration that costs vary based on the surgeon's experience and demand, the type of procedure used for the tuck, and the geographic location of you and your surgeon.

Cost Factors

As mentioned earlier, there are a number of factors that can raise the cost of your procedure. As with any medical procedure, the cost of your procedure is given as an estimate before the procedure is completed. This is because complications of surgery can lead to additional costs, and these simply cannot be anticipated.

Another factor that can raise your tummy tuck cost comes in the form of post-surgical care. You'll need to follow up with both your primary care provider, as well as your surgeon. Some post-surgical care is included in the cost of your procedure, but some may not be covered. Possible complications can include extra medications, at-home medical accommodations, extra doctor's visits, medical imaging, and additional surgeries. Be sure to consult your primary care physician and surgeon regarding your procedure, possible complications, and any financial concerns you may have regarding these complications.

Last Updated: August 14, 2014