A woman works her legs

Leg Workout Routines for Men and Women

Even though everyone hates leg day, it’s a very necessary evil—especially if you want to look good in shorts by the time summer rolls around. Leg workouts are not universal though, as men and women may have very different goals for their leg workout regime. Here are some tips for a workout that is based on what kind of results you are looking for.

Big Legs Workout (for Men)

Most men are looking for a leg workout that will add mass and strength. Here are some tips to maximize your leg workouts and make sure you are getting the most out of your exercises.

  • Focus on functional exercises such as squats and dead lifts: Your body was not designed to flex and extend your knees while in a seated position. So, heavy leg extensions and leg curls on machines may lead to structural issues and muscular imbalances, rather than progress toward your goal. Instead, focus on simple exercises that were made for building muscle mass: squats and dead lifts. If you stick to these workouts and focus on perfecting your technique, you will begin to see progress in no time.

  • Balance your workout: Most people have a "dominant" side of the body that is slightly stronger than the other. Unfortunately, this can lead to muscular imbalances unless you add in unilateral exercises that will ensure both legs are developing evenly. This could include lunges, single leg squats, and single leg dead lifts.

  • Don’t neglect your stabilizing muscles: You also have smaller stabilizing muscles in your hips that work to prevent injuries and ensure correct movements and stability in your hips and pelvis. If these muscles do not work correctly, this could lead to potential injury from your other movements. To prevent this, make sure to work your abductors (outer thigh) as well as your adductors (inner thigh) as part of your warm-up prior to squatting or dead lifting.

Toned Legs Workout (for Women)

While some women are also looking to add mass and strength to their legs, others are looking for a leg workout that will tone and sculpt the muscles to make the legs appear smooth and slim. Here are some tips to help you achieve that. 

  • Do yoga: There are several yoga moves that can help to tone your legs, along with your core. One in particular is called the Warrior III pose. Begin with your feet together before lifting up your left leg with a pointed toe and putting your weight on your standing right leg. Then, continue to lift your left leg while you drop your head and torso until they form a horizontal line from your head to toe with your arms at your sides. Hold this pose for five breaths and return to standing before performing it on the opposite leg.

  • Do squats: One of the best ways to sculpt your leg muscles is by doing squats. There are several different types of squats. One good exercise for beginners is called the chair squat. Begin by standing with your back to a chair with your feet hip-width apart. As you keep your weight centered on your heels, slowly draw in your abs and hinge forward at your hips while lowering your butt towards the chair. 

  • Do lunges: Lunges are also a great workout for toning your leg muscles, particularly the pivoting curtsy lunge. Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart and step your right foot diagonally behind you into a 7 o’clock position. Bend both of your knees so you are in the lunge stance and then lean your torso forward 30 degrees. Move up and down 10 to 15 times from this position. Pivot 180 degrees so your right foot is again lined up with your left foot before reversing the position for the left side.

Last Updated: January 20, 2017