A guy shaves in the mirror

Is Razor Burn Dangerous?

Razor burn is the red rash, irritated skin, and bumps that show up after you shave. Legs, faces, armpits, and bikini areas are all susceptible to the discomfort of razor burn. Although it can be uncomfortable and unsightly, razor burn is generally not dangerous.

However, more serious cases can turn into folliculitis, an inflammation of the hair follicles (the small holes hairs grow out of). Small, pimple-like bumps will appear out of the hair follicle. They may be just be small red bumps or whiteheads, but they can turn into larger areas as the infection spreads across the skin creating “nonhealing, crusty sores,” according to the Mayo Clinic. 

In most cases, folliculitis will clear up on its own if treated with care for a few days, but some cases are more persistent than others. Severe folliculitis can result in hair loss, boils, scarring, and recurrent infections. If your razor burn is becoming worse despite home treatment, or you suspect a case of folliculitis that doesn’t seem to be healing, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with a doctor to receive appropriate medications to heal the infection. 

Last Updated: April 19, 2017

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