Forms of garcinia cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia Extract: 5 Ways to Consume

Garcinia cambogia extract comes from the rind of the malabar tamarind fruit. Since scientists discovered the high concentration of hydroxycitric acid (HCA), it’s been a weight loss sensation. By raising serotonin levels in the brain, it suppresses the appetite. It also blocks the enzymes that turn carbohydrates into fat, forcing the body to use stored up fat as energy instead. It is important to note, however, these benefits are not effective without proper diet and exercise. Nonetheless, if you think garcinia cambogia is right for you, take some time to consider the way you want to ingest it. 


Good old fashioned pills may be just fine for you. They tend to be a little large and difficult to swallow for some people, but others have a lot of success with them. The main thing to be wary of is any buffers or fillers that might be added to the garcinia cambogia. So, be sure to find a product that contains only HCA. The other thing to make note of is that these are dietary supplements, not medicine. Just because they are in pill form does not mean they are approved by the FDA. 


To use powdered garcinia cambogia, you simply mix it in with a smoothie or a glass of water. However, this form may create an unpleasant taste for some people. The nice thing about using powder is that you can customize your dosage level much easier than with other forms of the substance. 


Garcinia cambogia gummies are a great option if you don’t like taking pills. As with the pills, though, be alert to other ingredients.Some gummy brands are more pure than pills tend to be, since they require less chemical components to maintain form and substance. On the other hand, some brands mix garcinia cambogia with other supplements they claim aids weight loss as well. In that case, be sure and research all of the additives, not just the main ingredient. The biggest downside to the gummies is cost: the directions normally instruct you to take two gummies at a time, three times a day. 


These can be a nice option if you aren’t great at remembering to take something. The patches are a once a day ordeal—you just stick it on and let it work its magic. There’s no worry about gross tastes, and if it starts to make you sick or give you a headache, you can remove it (although it can take some time for the effects to wear off). 


Garcinia cambogia drops are a good option for people who have trouble swallowing pills and don’t like the taste or texture of gummies. Some users have noted an aftertaste, but opinions are varied on whether it’s a good or bad, which is to be expected from differing flavor palates. The other great thing about the liquid drop form is that it should take effect more quickly, especially if placed under the tongue. The stomach doesn’t have to work to break down the pill before it can ingest it, so it gets into the system faster. 

Each type of supplement has it’s good and bad points, and no single product is going to work for everyone. No matter which source you choose, be aware of how many milligrams are in your dose. Additionally, no long term studies have been done to rule out side effects, so consultation with a doctor before beginning your supplement regimen is extremely important. 

Last Updated: May 22, 2015