Is garcinia cambogia effective?

Garcinia Cambogia and Weight Loss: Separating Fact From Fiction

Garcinia cambogia is an extract from a sweet Indonesian fruit known as malabar tamarind. Within its green skin lies hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a substance similar to the citric acid contained in many fruits, particularly oranges and lemons. The biggest difference is that the chemical density of HCA in garcinia cambogia is considerably greater than the more common citrus. Once researchers discovered the potential benefits of such significant amounts of HCA, the fruit was promptly touted as a weight loss miracle. 

How does it work?

The goal of garcinia cambogia use is to increase the metabolism and decrease the appetite. Hypothetically, the HCA in garcinia cambogia works by blocking citrate lyase, the enzymes that make fat out of carbohydrates like sugar. The second effect of garcinia cambogia involves brain chemistry. It increases serotonin creation, thereby making the user feel more satiated and less hungry. 

Is it effective? 

Some studies show garcinia cambogia works, especially on animals, but for the most part it is about as effective as every other weight loss supplement that’s been on the market—which is to say not very. The key, as with all supplements, is that it still has to be combined with proper diet and exercise to work. One study devised of two groups (one dieting, exercising, and using garcinia cambogia; the other using diet and exercise alone) showed no significant difference in weight loss—the groups' final weights differed by about two pounds. 

The one noticeable benefit of garcinia cambogia is the energy increase. Since it blocks citrate lyase, the body doesn’t derive energy in the same way. It starts breaking down all fat stores, which not only burns that excess fat but gives you more energy, which is additionally boosted by the increase it gives your metabolism. Combine that with higher serotonin levels improving the users’ moods, and not only do they have the drive to go work out, but they are happy to do it as well. 

Are there side effects? 

Many brands of garcinia cambogia claim there are absolutely no side effects. What they don’t say is that research in this area is fairly limited. The FDA released concerns about liver damage, although no one seems to be able to substantiate the claim, one way or the other. Some research shows it was other ingredients in the supplement causing the problems, but none of the studies to-date are definite.

Many of the trials that have been done lasted only a few months. So, even the purest of brands recommend taking time off from using the supplement every twelve weeks or so, since there has yet to be information about its long-term effects.

Short-term side effects were also a problem for some people, but that was largely dependent on the brand, not the garcinia cambogia itself. People with heart trouble are warned away from garcinia cambogia, and the supplement also tends to interact badly with medication for cholesterol and diabetes. Since all three of these are common maladies among the overweight population, it should be used with caution. 

Is it worth the money? 

All of this is not to say there isn't anything good about garcinia cambogia! When taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, it's possible to see some tangible benefits. Users should look for a product that is all natural, since artificial ingredients and fillers can change the effect, as well as increase the risk of side effects. The proper effective and nontoxic dose is about 100 milligrams. The most important thing to do when considering garcinia cambogia is talk to a doctor. Such little research and so few studies have been done, so it is absolutely essential to get a professional opinion to make sure it’s the right supplement for your goals!

Last Updated: June 29, 2016