Woman does p90x

Free P90X Exercises

P90X has many different workouts and, because each phase has its own set of exercises, there are many different moves utilized in this at-home workout program. Some of the moves are simple and do not require any extra weight or the use of resistance bands. Others require that some form of equipment be used. This is a short list of some of the moves used in the P90X program.

Without Equipment

  • Standard Push Up - While keeping the abs and back tight, lower the body straight down until a few inches from the floor and then push back up.
  • Diamond Push Up - From the push up position, bring hands together so that the thumbs and index fingers touch and they should form a diamond. Make sure that the hands are directly below the heart. Elbows will extend out during push up.
  • Jump Squat - With feet parallel and shoulder width apart ease into a squatting position. Once at the bottom of your squat, explode upwards off the ground. Make sure to land gently.
  • Super Skater - Put all weight on one leg and slide the opposite leg behind body in a skater motion.
  • Cross Leg, Wide Leg Sit Up - Lying flat on your back, position your legs in a V shape. Putting one hand behind your head, raise the other so that it is directly in front of you. From this position use your torso up and reach outstretched hand to opposite foot. Lie back, switch hands, and repeat.

With Equipment

  • Wide Front Pull Up - Grasp chin-up bar a few inches wider than shoulder width, then pull body up until chin clears bar, then lower back down.
  • Lawnmower - In a side lunge position, rest elbow on the knee, then pull the weight from the floor to waist. Make sure to do both sides.
  • Alternating Shoulder Press - With weights in hand, pull weights to your shoulders. Extend each arm straight up one arm at a time.
  • Calf-Raise Squat- With weights in hand, go down into a squatting position. Raise yourself back up as you would in a normal squat only extend so that you are standing on your toes in order to work the calves.
  • Swing Kick- Standing behind a chair and lift one leg then the other over the chair in a back and forth motion. To intensify add more height to your kick.

These are just a few of the many different exercises provided within the P90X program. Most moves have modifications to add or take away tension so that you can find the right level of exertion for you. To get results remember that it is important to have some strain, but don’t overdo it.

Last Updated: January 27, 2016