A radiograph

Do X-Rays Cause Cancer?

X-rays are used to create images of internal structures in the body through the use of radiation. Since radiation is commonly associated with cancer, could X-rays actually be making us sick?

When X-ray techniques were initially being perfected, researchers found that eventually their skin became covered in sores and burns. X-rays can, in fact, damage skin if used too frequently and without protection.

Additionally, there is a slightly increased chance of developing cancer from X-rays. Age, gender, and amount of exposure all play a part in the likelihood of cancer resulting. Women are more likely to have issues than men—additionally, the younger the age a person starts receiving X-rays, the more likely they will cause cancer. Finally, more X-rays equals a greater chance of cancer. One X-ray is probably not going to give you a tumor, but each one slowly adds a little bit more of a chance that the radiation will cause cancer.

So, yes, eventually given time and intensity, X-rays can increase the chances of developing cancer. However, experts agree that the benefits of X-rays far outweigh their potential risks—especially considering that most people may require only a few during their lifetime. 

Last Updated: April 11, 2016

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