a surgeon smiling after a breast augmentation surgery

Breast Augmentation: Post-Operation Care

While breast augmentation surgery will not require as much recovery as some other medical procedures, you can still expect to be out of commission for several weeks afterwards. You can, however, help reduce your healing time and discomfort by taking good care of yourself when you return home. Here are just a few tips to remember that will help your post-operation recovery period go as smoothly as possible.

What to Expect

Swelling and bruising are perfectly normal after a breast augmentation and can last much longer than most people might expect. You should anticipate your breasts being swollen for several weeks after the procedure, during which you might also notice the skin on your breasts is shinier than normal. This is a common side effect of swelling, and it shouldn’t be a cause for alarm. Your bruising should diminish much more quickly. It typically only lasts for one to two weeks after the surgery.

Mild to moderate pain is another thing you should be prepared for. It should resolve itself in less than a week, and your surgeon may provide you with pain medication to help get you through those first few days.

What You Can Do to Help

The most important tip for post-operation recovery is to take it slow. You’ll probably find that you have much less energy than you normally do. Even if this isn’t the case, still take care to not overexert yourself. Even in the months after your surgery you should be cautious, and avoid strenuous physical activity and heavy lifting for at least four to eight weeks.

Your breasts will obviously be sensitive after the operation, so make sure you wear clothing that is loose-fitting and doesn’t put any unnecessary pressure on them. This is the perfect time to rock T-shirts and sweatpants guilt-free.

If you spend a lot of time in bed after your breast augmentation, be sure to get up and move at least a little from time to time. This will prevent blood clots from forming in your legs.

After surgery you may feel nauseous due to the anesthesia, and this problem can persist once you begin taking pain medication as well. To help keep this to a minimum, consider switching to an all-liquid diet for a short period of time. Slowly introduce easily-digested foods into your diet, such as toast and Jell-O.

What to Avoid

You should avoid medications that contain aspirin for a couple of reasons. For one, they can negatively interact with the pain medications that were prescribed to you by your surgeon. Secondly, aspirin acts as a blood thinner, which can cause bleeding complications at the incision site.

If you’re a smoker, you should also plan on quitting for at least 10 days after the surgery. Cigarettes reduce the amount of oxygen in your blood and can cause your wounds to heal slowly or incorrectly.

Finally, if you must wear a bra in the weeks after your procedure, make sure it’s a sports bra. Regular bras with underwire will provide too much support, which can keep your implants from settling properly.

Last Updated: March 21, 2016