For some folks, having hairless skin is simply nicer than having to shave every day. For others, hair can be unsightly and embarrassing. Electrolysis has been around for over 100 years, but new technologies have made it more effective than ever. Unfortunately, neither electrolysis nor laser hair removal are the best choice for everyone, and not just because it can be extremely expensive. Here’s a few alternatives to electrolysis.
Nonpermanent Options
If you can’t bring yourself to cough up the hundreds of dollars it can take to go through the necessary electrolysis treatments, your razor doesn’t have to be the only thing you use. Some people find waxing to be a much more effective means of removing hair. Wax goes farther into the pores, providing smoother skin, often for longer than a razor will. But it hurts, especially on sensitive areas.
If you’re not getting electrolysis because you’re afraid of the stinging that comes with it, waxing definitely isn’t for you. Others find it’s more effective to simply bleach the area. There’s a whole aisle of alternatives to shaving, if that’s what you’re trying to escape from.
Slightly More Permanent Options
The No! No! Hair Removal System is a relatively new, much lower cost option for those who are frustrated with their hair growth. Unfortunately, reviews are mixed. The at-home device uses a Thermicon technology to cut off contact of the hair with the skin, crystallize the top of the hair shaft, and disrupt the cell’s signals to regrow the hair.
When done over and over, some people find this extremely effective—and for less than $300! While the company offers a money-back guarantee, this can be difficult to achieve for those who don’t find the No!No! effective. Thus, it’s essential to use the device exactly according to the instructions if you find the No!No!’s abilities suspect. Some people love it, others find it’s way more time consuming than they bargained for.
The Braun Silk Epilator runs under $100 and has been around for several years. It achieves a similar goal—thinner hair that grows more slowly. However, it’s often considered pretty painful right off the bat and won't completely get rid of practically all the hair in the way electrolysis will.