50 Menu Items Fast Food Workers Say Never to Order


Let's be real here, ordering anything from a fast food restaurant usually isn't healthy (even if it says it is). Logically, everyone knows that fast food isn't nutritionally good and should mostly be avoided because of that, but it's not always bad because of the calorie count.

Sometimes fast food items are bad because of the way they're handled or kept either before or after being made. A thread on Reddit focused specifically on this. The workers specifically talked about what exactly a customer should never order from their restaurant. Either because of gross practices, never-cleaned machines, bad ingredients, or just general unhealthiness, most places always have at least one thing that a customer should never order. 

Warning: this will alter views on the globe's popular fast food chains. Be prepared to be grossed out.

These aren't super popular. That's not too much of a surprise. McDonald's is a burger fast food place. They aren't particularly known for their quality fish. So, if you truly expect anything other than the burgers to truly be fresh, then prepare to be disappointed. Filet-o-Fish is best avoided.

McDonald's Filet-O-Fish

"When I worked at McDonald's the filet of fish was never ordered. We had to make them at 11 when lunch started and had the same ones in the tray until the elderly people came to get their supper at 3 P.M. Then replace them and we threw away those same ones when we closed. Never order them."


Did you know...

  • Need a quick cool down? Try drinking some hot liquid. It's true! As counterintuitive as it may seem, the heat from hot liquids will raise your body temperature. This will heat you up and cause you to sweat. The increased perspiration will wind up helping you feel cooler as it evaporates. Try it out!
  • There are many factors that contribute to your body odor, but one of the strongest links is our diet. This may be some bad news for meat-lovers because many studies have shown that those who refrained from or ate less red meat were judged as being more pleasant smelling. The meat sweats are real, and they don’t smell great!
  • Do you know what the strongest muscle in your body is? No, it’s not your biceps or your thighs. It’s actually in your head. The masseter is a muscle in the jaw that is used when chewing. When all of the muscles of the jaw work together, they can exert a force as strong as 200 pounds on the molars. That’s some serious pressure.
  • Starting to feel claustrophobic? The smells of apples may help keep your claustrophobic feelings at bay according to a 1995 study by Dr. Alan Hirsch. Green apples, specifically, helped people change their perception of their space. Maybe they thought of expansive apple orchards? Cucumbers and barbecue made the feelings worse.
  • Just saying the words "thank you" can measurably improve your mood. Researchers can actually measure happiness and changes in brain structure when people practiced regular "grateful thinking." This included things like writing thank you notes, writing gratitude journal entries, mindfully counting their blessings, and thanking friends. It may be helpful in overcoming depression!