a woman who is aware of the health risks of rhinoplasty

5 Health Risks of Rhinoplasty

Any surgery carries risks, and rhinoplasty is no exception. The risks of nose jobs can range from mild to life-threatening, although dangerous side effects are uncommon. Before you undergo your procedure, it's important to understand what risks you may be facing.

  1. Bleeding

    The nose has many blood vessels, and there will be some level of bleeding during rhinoplasty. Typically, this is only around 50ml, which is not a dangerous amount. It's also possible to experience post-surgical bleeding. This can result from things like sneezing or blowing your nose. While you're unlikely to experience hemorrhaging after nose job surgery, it's possible to bleed severely enough that a transfusion is required. Blood-thinners like aspirin, omega-3 fish oil, and certain foods can increase this risk.

  2. Negative Reactions to Anesthesia

    Surgery involves using an anesthetic, which keeps you from feeling pain during the procedure. Depending on the complexity of the surgery, your doctor may use local or general anesthesia. If done locally, you'll be awake and probably a bit groggy for the procedure, and the area will be numb. General anesthesia is used for more invasive procedures, rendering you unconscious. Unfortunately, some people have negative reactions to the drugs used. This can cause nausea and vomiting, cessation of breathing, and possibly anaphylactic shock. If you or a direct relative have ever experienced a bad reaction to an anesthetic, let your surgeon know.

  3. Nasal Obstruction

    Any surgery that alters the structure of your nose can also alter the flow of air through your nostrils. Excessively wide nasal passages can lead to chronic excessive mucus buildup that hinders breathing. If they're too narrow, airflow can be restricted. Scar tissue from the surgery itself can also obstruct the nasal passages, making breathing more difficult. If you're having rhinoplasty done to correct nasal obstruction in the first place, it's possible that the issue may be unresolved or worsened.

  4. Unfavorable Results

    When you have rhinoplasty done for cosmetic purposes, there's always a possibility that you won't be happy with the results. For this reason, it's essential to talk openly with your surgeon about your expectations. Most cosmetic surgeons use computer software that can give you an accurate assessment of how your new nose will look.

  5. Infection

    Infection is a very real risk with any surgery. However, with rhinoplasty, the proximity to the brain makes it more of a threat. Low-grade infections after surgery aren't uncommon, and they can typically be cleared up with a simple course of antibiotics. With that being said, excessive swelling, high fever, nausea, delirium, chills and large quantities of pus are all indications of a serious infection and are cause to go to the hospital immediately.

Last Updated: February 06, 2017